Example: On 30 Jun e 2012 at 17:15 enter: 4 17 15 30 06 12
After the control panel is powered up, th e clock is set to 00 00 01 01 00.
JA-82K control pan el installation manu al - 13 - MKH51103
6.47 Editing keypad text
The names of d evices and pr ogrammable outp uts as display ed on the
keypad unit c an be edited as follows:
The menu can be entered i n Service mode by holding the ? key. Then
the internal key pad menu will be displayed. Using the arrow s or keys 1
and 7 you can scroll t hrough the menu to E dit text. Press Editing
mode and the name of the d evice enrolled to address 01 is then
displayed w ith a flashing c ursor on the fir st text chara cter.
Key functions:
1 and 7 text scrolling (see table)
3 and 9 character-se lection
(A,B,C,D.......8,9,0 )
4 and 6 cursor control (left/ri ght)
2 delete selected charact er
8 space
exit editing (& sa ve changes)
List of editabl e text:
text description
01: to 50: Dev ices
Names of devices in addresses 01 to 50
Control panel
Name of control panel (e.g. displayed if its cover
is opened)
Name of hard-wired keypad
Name of the communicator in the control panel
Master code
Name of the master code
01: to 50: Code
Names of user codes
ARC Code
Names of ARC code
Service code
Name of the service code
Names of programmable outputs
The default text displayed in operating mode if
no other text needs to be displayed. If erased
then nothing will be displayed.
fig. 14 Sy stem texts
Beetween ca pital or small le tters can sw itch by key .
The length of tex t is limited t o the length o f the display .
The text is only stored in the key pad used for edit ing (differen t keypads
in the system c an show dif ferent tex t if desired).
Text is stored i n the non-v olatile memory of key pads, so pow er
disconnectio n will not er ase any stored text.
Convenient t ext editing is possible using a PC ru nning OLink software.
(texts can be edit ed in the Text synch ronization \ C omparison windo w
Besides dev ice names, key pads also use so- called inte rnal text such
as “servic e”, “maintenan ce mode” etc, and t his text can als o be edited
via OLink softw are by selecti ng “Central” o n the menu and th en “Text
synchronizat ion \ Comparis on” or F11.
After editing key pad text using OLi nk software, all key pads (includi ng
wireless ones ) must be connected to th e digital bus to s ave the
changes to the keypad unit s by clicking on the OK butto n in the
software. (It i s recommended to connect JA- 81F wireles s keypads to
the bus in or der to save th e text into them as well)
The texts can al so be uploade d directly into the JA-81F w ireless
keypad from the Olink.
Factory defa ult setting: in addresse s 01 to 50 t here is the text “Devi ce”.
Other default t ext: “Control panel”, “Keyp ad”, “Communicator” , “Master code” ,
users 01 to 50 “Code” ,”ARC Code”, “Service code”, “PG X”, “PGY” and
“OASiS JA-80 ” .
6.48 Recommended settings
Recommended setti ngs for the following par ameters accordi ng to
TS 50131-7 and EN 50131 -3 are:
261 radio interference indication (see 6.6)
271 radio communicati ons supervisio n (see 6.7)
setting (arming) without an access code disabled (see 6.12)
auto-by pass user approval (se e 6.21)
6841 tamper alarm if un set (see 6.28)
keypad displ ays status f or 3 min. if a ny button press ed
(see 6.27)
6920 not allowed t o control the system via th e service co de
(see 6.34)
6951 system only accessed by code and card (s ee 6.37)
6971 service mode o nly with se rvice and use r (master) co de
(see 6.39)
7 Oper ating the system
The OASiS sy stem can be operate d locally using a keypad or a key fob
and it can also be oper ated remotely by mobile phone or the Intern et (if
equipped w ith a suitable commu nicator).
7.1 The system keypad
Indoor keypad s model JA-81F (w ireless) or JA-81E ( wired) can be use d
to operate a nd program th e system. Both keypad t ypes prov ide the same
functionality . There also ca n be connected t he JA-80H out door key pad via
the WJ-80 inter face – see the manual for m ore info.
7.1.1 Keypad indicators:
ABC setting (arming) st atus of sections – if all secti ons are set then a ll
these indicator s (A B & C) are lit .
Flashing = alarm, with the s imultaneous disp lay of
alarm details on th e LCD, e.g.:
Al a rm
03: Kitchen
Constantl y lit = fault – de tails are di splayed by pressing
the “? ” key
Power. Cons tantly lit = mains an d back-up batter y ok.
Flashing = power suppl y prob lem, control pane l powered eithe r
by the mains or by back-u p battery only .
7.1.2 LCD display
The 1
line display s the status: triggered d etector, Serv ice mode etc.
In standby mode, it shows the t ext “JA B LO TR ON”. A picture of size 128 x48
pixels can be lo aded into the ke ypad . (Olink 1.4 or a hig her version is
The 2
line displays th e name of a device (e.g. 01: Main Door etc.). In
standby mode, it show s the text “OA SiS JA-80” (edit able, see 6.47 ). T he text
can be edi ted, see 6.47.
Displaying the stat us of detectors and programmable outputs :
Details on permanen tly triggered det ectors (e.g. o pen windows) an d the
status of the PGX and PGY outputs ca n be displayed by pre ssing the ? key.
7.1.3 Keypad display sleep-mode
In operating mod e, the wireles s keypad unit di splays the sy stem status
for 20 second s (if batte ry-powered) after the last i nteractio n with a use r, and
then goes into sleep mode. P ressing any key, triggeri ng the key pad input,
pressing or o pening the key pad’s flip cov er re-activates the display .
7.1.4 Keys
0–9 digital code e ntry
fun ction sequence s
# escape
ABC hot key for setti ng the entir e system (all sections A, B & C)
A hot key for setting section A (e.g. pa rtial setting of the g arage)
B in an unsplit system: hot key for setting sections A an d B
(e.g. p artial night-s etting of the gar age and the gro und floor).
in a split system: ho t key for settin g section B (C is only set
if both sections A and B are set )
? Display of trigg ered detect ors (e.g. o pen windows), fault
details and P GX / PGY status.
The A and B keys only have a func tion if partial set ting or splitting ar e
7.1.5 Functions be ginning with the ke y
The follow ing functions are available to the user v ia the keypad:
1 sets the entire system (the s ame as key ABC)*
2 sets section A (the same as k ey A)*
3 sets A an d B, or just B (the same as ke y B)*
4 event memory rec all (key 4 scr olls backw ards) – the cont rol
panel record s max. 255 of t he latest ev ents
5 new Master Code /Card ( 5 MC NC NC)
6 access code/card pro gramming ( 6 MC nn NC)
7 for operation w hile unde r duress (sh ould be enter ed before
the access c ode to secretly signal distr ess)
8 PGX contro l (ON/OFF = 81/ 80 or enter 8 to trig ger if a
pulsed switc hing reactio n is programmed)*
9 PGY control (ON/ OFF = 91/ 90 or enter 9 to trigger if a
pulsed switc hing reactio n is programmed)*
0 To enter Service Mode ( 0 SC – fa ctory default 8080) or to
enter mainte nance mode ( 0 MC – factory def ault 1234)
The functions allow the system to be opera ted from a mobile ph one
keypad (if th e control pa nel is equipp ed with the r elevant communicat or).
7.2 Programming access codes and cards
The system can be c ontrolled by 4-digit code s and by access c ards, of
the types PC-0 1 and PC-02 (EM UNIQUE 125 kHz standard).
Sequence s for programming acce ss codes and card s are described in
fig. 19. They should only be program med in the DIS ARMED state.
The control panel has 1 serv ice, 1 master and 50 us er codes.