JK-05 PROFI GSM KIT 2/4 MGK55007
4. Detectors and accessories installation
a) Install the JA-60N magnetic de tector to a door (antenna
pointing up or down)
b) Install the JA-60P motion PIR detec tor
c) Select In stant or Delay reactions via the DIP switches
inside the detectors.
d) Connect the detector batt eries (pull out the red tape to
activate the batteries)
e) Attach the keypad to the desired location
f) Plug the UC-260 w ireless siren into a power socket.
g) Test the wireless doorbell button and install it.
5. Enrollment of additional accessories
If you install additional detectors (max. 32), y ou have to enroll
them. The system should be in the P mode (if not enter F0 606 0):
a) Press 1 to enter the learning mode*
b) The next free detector position will be dis played on the
c) In stall batteries into all new detectors step by step to enr oll
them (system w ill automatically offer the next free positio n)
d) To sc roll through the sensor positions, press 1 ( up) or 7
e) T o enroll a second detector to an occupied position press 5
before you install the detector batteries
f) To exit the learning mode press the N key
The w ireless keypad (JA-60F ) enrolls after you install its battery
while in the learning mode.
The remote control (RC-4x) enrolls after you press an d hold
both the
and buttons while in the learning mode.
The wireless outdoo r siren (JA-60A) enrolls after it is powered
up while in the learning mode
To enroll t he control pa nel to UC receiv ers enter 299 on the
keypad while in the P mode
Check the manuals of individual items for more detai ls
*Learning mode will also be entered after shorting the Reset pins
in the control panel.
6. Detector and controller testing
a) The system should be in P mode (if not, enter F0 6060)
b) Trigger the detectors – their addresses (1=door and 2=PIR)
should be displayed (if the PIR detector does not react, re-
enter its test mode by opening and closing its cover)
c) Press button
on the RC-4x remote contro l – c2 will be
indicated on the alarm display
rear t amper
Don't ov er -t ig hte n
thi s scr ew
1,6 3,7
heig ht
12 0
zo ne A
zone B
zone C
zo ne A
zone B
zo ne C
JA-60 P cove ra ge
Avoid lo ca tio ns f acing win d ows or cl ose t o heat er s
JK-05 PROFI GSM KIT 3/4 MGK5 5007
7. Radio signal strength measurement
a) While in P mode, press 1 and then using 7 scroll to position 1
b) Press 8 to start measuring
c) Act i va te the door detector to view its signal strength
d) Using the 1 key, scroll to the next po sition (2=PIR) and
check its signal strength (if the PIR detector does not react,
re-enter its test mode by opening and closing its cover)
e) Repeat step d) to check all enrolled items. The wireless keypad
(c1) signal is indicated a fter you trigger its tamper. The remote
control (c2) is indicated a fter you press button
f) Change the location of an item if its signal is lo wer than 2
g) Return to P mode by pressing the N key
8. GSM communication testing
a) Dial your mobil e number from the SMS phone. Hang up after it
rings. This will display the system’s SIM card numbe r on your
mobile phone.
b) Call back the system number using your mobile. Let the SMS
phone ring until the system answe rs your call (you will hear a
beep). Then enter the installer remote access code 0000 on
your mobile.
c) Now the mo bile should work as a system keypad. Press the
# key to exit P mode and re-enter it b y keying
∗0 6060
d) End the ph one call
e) From y our mobile, send a command SMS with MO in it to the
system. You sho uld then receive a status re port reply
f) Type some test text on the SMS phone and send it as an SMS
to your mobile.
g) You can also store your mobile phone number in the SMS
phone memory so that the end user can easily call you in future.
9. Programming the system
a) The system should be in P mode (if not enter F0 60 60)
b) Using the following sequences you can program:
Function Sequence
Your installer code* 5 xxxx xxxx
6060 = factory default
xxxx = new cod e
Installer remote
access code*
94 xxxx F0
0000 = factory default
xxxx = customized code
User remote access
94 xxxx F1
1111 = factory default
xxxx = new cod e
Exit delay
3=30sec factory def.
Entrance delay
3=30 sec factory def.
Alarm duration
4=4min factory def.
Alarm SMS reporting
71 yyy..y F0
72 yyy..y F0
Alarm SMS + phone
call reporting
73 yyy..y F0
74 yyy..y F0
Alarm & arming SMS
75 yyy..y F0
76 yyy..y F0
Alarm phone call only
77 yyy..y F0
Technical trouble
SMS reporting
78 yyy..y F0
yyy..y = phone number
if 001 is entered the
SMS will go to the SMS
phone (free of charge) –
the SMS phone will work
as the system’s LCD
7n F0 erases number n
User 1 to 4 arming
reporting to 75 & 76
x=1 enabled
x=2 disabled
972 yyy..yF0
yyy..y = your mobile
number (international
format 00 country …)
Time & date entry
4 hh mm DD MM YY
See control panel installation manual for mor e details
* Must be changed
10. SMS text editing
Factory default SMS texts in the system can be modified easily by
Jablotron’s Comlink so ftware. You can also change individual texts
by sending the following SMS from the SMS phone to telephone
number 001 (it goes directly to the con trol panel - free of ch arge).
yyyy∗ TXT∗ z,text,z,tex t,z,text.....
yyyy = installer remote access code (0000 = factory default)
∗ = separator, space can also be used
z = text index, see the following table
text = new text (no commas or periods/full stops allowed)
z Factor y default tex t z Fa ctor y default text
700 Alarm system report s: 415 Wireles s detector #15
201 Controll er #1 416 Wireles s detector #16
202 Controll er #2 501 U ser code #1
203 Controll er #3 502 U ser code #2
204 Controll er #4 503 U ser code #3
205 Controll er #5 504 U ser code #4
206 Controll er #6 505 U ser code #5
207 Controll er #7 506 U ser code #6
208 Controll er #8 507 U ser code #7
401 Wireles s detector #1 508 User code # 8
402 Wireles s detector #2 509 User code # 9
403 Wireless detector #3 510 User code # 10
404 Wireless detector #4 511 User code # 11
405 Wireless detector #5 512 User code # 12
406 Wireless detector #6 513 User code # 13
407 Wireless detector #7 514 User code # 14
Wireless detec tor #8
z Factory default
409 Wireless detec tor #9 703 AM
410 Wireless detec tor #10 704 DM
411 Wireless detec tor #11 705 MO
412 Wireless detec tor #12 706 ME
413 Wireless detec tor #13 710 P GON
414 Wireless detec tor #14 711 P GOFF
A complete list of all texts is in the control panel installation manual
11. Finishing the installation
a) Fill in the information on the sticker label and attach it inside
the keypad cover.
b) Switch the system to standby (by pressing the N key)
c) Instruct the user on how to operate the system
d) Show that after you pickup the SMS phone and press #, the
phone keypad operates the system.
Ev ent
S ou rce or m ode
W i r e le s s i t e m
A ddition al
functio ns
Ar m
Di sar m
+ P a ni c
RC- 42
12. Keypad operation
Entry Functio n
user code
Arming / Disarming
F1 /
Arming without code
F2 /
Partial arming
F3 /
Door lock opening
Memory reading
F5 New master code (example: F5 1234 2789 2789)
F6 User code setting (example: F6 1234 03 33 44)
F7 /
Disarming under duress
Appliance control (F81 = ON, F80 = OFF)
F0 M.code
User test mode (example F0 1234)
Escape & fault detail reading