+ 1 2 V DC - Positi ve ( + 1 2V ) Bat ter y Conn ec tion
Ground - Nega tive (–) Ground Conn ec tion
Rem ote - Positi ve ( + 1 2V ) T urn - On I nput From So urce Unit
Inp ut 6 - Ch. 6 I nput
Inp ut 5 - Ch. 5 I nput
Inp ut 2 - Ch. 2 I nput
Inp ut 1 - Ch. 1 I nput
Pre- Out Right - Analog Preamp Output
Pre - Ou t Le ft - Analo g Preamp Output
Rem ote - T ur n- O n Outp ut ( + 1 2V)
Val e t - Valet Pre set T o ggl e (– )
Inp ut 4 - Ch. 4 I nput
Inp ut 3 - Ch. 3 I nput
Not Included
JL id - COM M - O ptio nal Ne two rk Hub o r
Bluetooth ® Comm unicat or Connection ( Sold Separa tely )
JLi d- C TR L - Optional Dig ital Remot e Con troller
(DRC) C onnec tion ( Sold Separately )
DIG ITAL-In - From O ptica l Digit al (S/PDIF ) Source
T o Op tical D igit al (S/PDIF) I nput on N ex t De vice
USB A /B Ca ble -
T o Comp uter wi th TüN™ sof t ware i nsta lled
SUB - T o Subwoo fer(s): ( + and –)
Wiring Diagr am - VX700/5i
Standard CA T5 Net wor k Cabl es
Optical Audio Cables
Limited W arranty – A mplifiers (USA )
JL Aud io war rant s thi s prod uc t to be f ree o f def ec ts in m ateri als an d work mans hip
for a p eri od of t wo (2) yea rs fr om the o rig inal da te of pur chas e. Thi s warr ant y is
not t rans fer abl e and ap plie s onl y to the or igin al pur chas er fro m an aut hor ize d
JLAu dio d eale r. Should s er vic e be ne cess ar y und er this w arr ant y for a ny reas on due
to manu fac tu ring d efe c t or mal fun ct ion, J L Audi o will (at it s disc reti on), repa ir or
rep lace th e def ec tive p rod uc t with n ew or re manu fac tu red pr odu ct at n o char ge.
Dama ge ca use d by the fo llow ing is n ot cover ed un der w arra nt y: acci dent , misu se,
abus e, pro duc t mo dif ic atio n or ne gle c t, fa ilure to f oll ow inst all ation i nstr uc tio ns,
unau thor ize d rep air at tem pts , misre pres ent atio ns by the s ell er. This wa rran ty d oes
not cove r inci dent al or co nse que ntial da mag es and d oes n ot cover t he cost o f
rem ovin g or rei nst allin g the un it(s). Cosmet ic dam age du e to accid ent o r norm al
wear a nd tear i s not cove red u nder w arr ant y.
Warr ant y is vo id if t he p ro duc t ’s ser ial n umb er h as be en r em oved o r def ace d.
Any app lic abl e impli ed w arra nties a re lim ited i n durat ion to t he pe rio d of the
ex press w arr ant y as pr ovid ed he rein b egi nnin g with t he date o f the o rigi nal
purc hase a t reta il, an d no war ran ties , whe ther e xp ress or i mpli ed, s hall a ppl y to
this p rodu ct t her eaf ter. Som e st ates do n ot all ow limi tati ons on i mpli ed wa rra nties ,
the refo re th ese e xclusi ons may n ot app ly to yo u. Th is war rant y gi ves you sp ec if ic
le gal ri ghts , and yo u may als o have oth er rig hts , whic h var y fr om st ate to s tate.
If yo u ne ed s er vic e on yo ur JL AU DI O pro du ct :
All wa rra nt y retu rns sh ould b e sen t to JL Aud io ’s Ampli f ier Se r vice Faci lit y
fre ight- prep aid th roug h an aut hori zed J L Audi o deal er an d must b e accom pani ed
by pro of of p urcha se (a copy of t he ori gina l sal es rec eipt). Di rec t re turn s from
consumers or non-authorized dealers will b e refused unless s pecifically authorized
by JL Au dio wi th a val id ret urn au thor iz atio n numb er. Warrant y e xpi rati on on
products returned wit hout proof of pur chase will be determined from the
manu fac tu ring d ate cod e. Cover age may b e inva lidate d as th is date is p revi ous
to pur chase d ate. N on- de fe ct ive ite ms rece ive d will b e retu rne d fre ight- coll ec t.
Customer is responsible for shipping charges and ins urance in sending the
pro duc t to JL Au dio. Frei ght da mage o n retu rns is n ot cover ed un der wa rra nt y .
For Service Informa tion in the U.S.A . please call
JL Audio Customer Service:
(954) 443- 1 1 0 0 9: 00 A M – 5:30 PM (Easter n Tim e Zone)
JL Au dio, I nc .
1 0369 N or th Comme rce Pk wy. Mira mar , FL 330 2 5
(Do no t send p roduc t fo r repai r to this add ress)
International W arranties:
Produ ct s purch ased o utsi de the Uni ted States o f Amer ica are cover ed
only by t hat countr y ’s distrib utor an d not by JL Aud io, Inc .
V X700/5 i _ MAN _07 1 91 8
Pow er Connector
Connection Wire Capacity Description
+12 VDC (+) 4 A WG Positive (+12V ) Pow er Connection to Battery
Ground (–) 4 AWG Negative ( GND) Chassis Ground Connection
Remote 18 to 10 A WG Positive (+12V) Remote T urn-On I nput from Source Unit
Analog Input Harness
Input 1 White RCA Channel 1 Signal Input
Input 2 Red RCA Channel 2 Signal Input
Input 3 White RCA Channel 3 Signal Input
Input 4 Red RCA Channel 4 Signal Input
Pre-Out Left White RCA Preamp Signal Output 1
Pre-Out Right Red RCA Preamp Signal Output 2
Remote Blue Positive (+12V ) T ur n-On Output (475 mA limit)
Valet Green Negative (GND) Gr ound Input (activates the V alet Mode Preset)
Speaker Output Harness
Label Wire C olor Description
Ch. 1
(+) Positive Speaker Output Ch. 1&2 Bridged (+)
White/Black (–) Negative Speaker Output
Ch. 2
(+) Positive Speaker Output
Gray/Black (–) Negative Speaker Output Ch. 1&2 Bridged (–)
Ch. 3
(+) Positive Speaker Output Ch. 3&4 Bridged (+)
Green/Black (–) Nega tive Speaker Output
Ch. 4
(+) Positive Speaker Output
Purple/Black (–) Negative Speaker Output Ch. 3&4 Bridged (–)
Subwoofer Output Harness
Label Wire C olor Description
Brown (+) Positive Subwoofer Output
Note: Both pairs
of positive and
negative wire
leads are con-
nected in parallel
inside the harness.
Brown/White (–) Negative Subwoofer Output
Brown (+) Positive Subwoofer Output
Brown/White (–) Negative Subwoofer Output
Data Connections
Label T ype Description/Use
JLid-COMM RJ45 Jack Optional accessory connections ( VXi-BTC, VXi-HUB, etc)
JLid-C TRL RJ45 Jack Optional DRC (Digital Remote Controller) connection
USB USB A/B Port Computer connection to congure TüN™ Software Interface
DIGIT AL-In S/PDIF Port 2-channel, optical ( T oslink) digital input
DIGIT AL-Out S/PDIF Port 2-channel, optical ( T oslink) digital output
SD + Reset
Reset Buttons Multifunction use (Reboot/Reset/Device Firmware Update mode)
Micro SD Slot Used for future expansion
Amplier Specications
Amplier T opology 2nd-Gen NexD™ High Speed Class D
Pow er Supply Type Unregulated MOSFET Switching
Operating V oltage 10 - 15V DC
Min. Copper Power/GND Wire 4 A WG
Recommended Fuse 60 A
Standby Current Dra w 2.5 mA
Input Voltage Range 200 mV - 16 V RMS
Rated RMS Power @ 14.4V ,
<1% THD+N
Main @ 4 Ω
75W x 4
Main @ 2 Ω
100W x 4
Main @ 4 Ω Bridged
200W x 2
Sub @ 4 Ω
180W x 1
Sub @ 3 Ω
240W x 1
Sub @ 2 Ω
300W x 1
Rated RMS Power @ 12.5V ,
<1% THD+N
Main @ 4 Ω
60W x 4
Main @ 2 Ω
90W x 4
Main @ 4 Ω Bridged
180W x 2
Sub @ 4 Ω
180W x 1
Sub @ 3 Ω
240W x 1
Sub @ 2 Ω
300W x 1
Frequency Response
Main: 12 Hz - 24 kHz (+0, -1dB)
Sub: 12 Hz - 1 kHz (+0, -1dB)
S/N Ratio
(A-weighted , 20 kH z
noise bandwidth)
Main: 99 dB (Referred to rated power),
80 dB (Referred to 1 W )
Sub: 99 dB (Referred to rated pow er),
72 dB (Referred to 1 W )
S/N Ratio
(A-weighted , 20 kH z
noise bandwidth)
Main: 101 dB (Referred to rated power),
82 dB (Referred to 1 W )
Sub: 102 dB (Referred to rated pow er),
80 dB (Referred to 1 W )
Damping F actor
Main: >100 / 50 Hz @ 4 Ω, >50 / 50 Hz @ 2 Ω
Sub: >100 / 50 Hz @ 4 Ω, >50 / 50 Hz @ 2 Ω
DSP Specications
Processor AKM AK7738, processing at 24 bit/96 kHz
Type Line-Level, Dierential-Balanc ed
Number of Channels 6, via harness-mounted female RCA jacks
Type S/PDIF Optical via chassis-mounted Toslink port
Bit Depth/Sample Rate
Up to 24 bit/192 kHz
Type 2 Line-Level, via harness-mounted female RCA jacks
Max Output Level 4 V RMS
Type S/PDIF Optical via chassis-mounted Toslink port
Bit Depth/Sample Rate 24 bit/96 kHz
L x W x H 9.81 in x 6.62 in x 2.12 in / 250 mm x 168 mm x 54 mm
What is TüN?
T üN™ is sof tware that you use t o configure, tune and c ontrol your VXi
amplifier , and other JL Audio DSP products. TüN™ automa tically recogniz es
what it is connected to , and allows you to make adjustmen ts with a
clear interface specifically set up for that product. TüN™ is av ailable for
download for free in a v ariety of applications, for computers and most
handheld devices. F or more information, visit: jlaudio.c om/tun
For Win dows® PC o r Mac ® compute rs, TüN™ co nnec t s via
USB and of f ers com plete co ntrol an d comman d of the enti re
V Xi featur e set f rom the co mfor t of yo ur desk or d river ’s seat.
Sof t ware a lso runs i n demo m ode, w ithou t conne cte d ampli f iers ,
for of f lin e setu p or dem o purp oses . T es t drive i t for fr ee!
For iPad o r Andro id tab let s. Enjoy th e full -feat ured TüN™ s of t ware
exp eri ence on yo ur tab let, w ith the f ree dom of a w irele ss conne ct ion
via Bl ueto oth® . Re quires V Xi -B TC Blueto oth® Communi cator.
Wireless c onnec tion and str eamlined options, for fast and simple
ampli f ier se tup. Dow nloa d TüN™ Exp ress for iP hone, iPad and Android
pho nes & ta blet s. Re quire s VX i- BTC Blue tooth® Commun icator.
D - T o Sp eaker(s): ( + and –)
C - T o Sp eaker(s): ( + and –)
B - T o Sp eaker(s): ( + and –)
A - T o Sp eaker(s): ( + and –)
LED Status/C ondition Reporting
LEDs located on the chassis top and connection panel are used to
communicate amplier status and condition. Ref er to the table below for
the location and meaning for each behavior .
LED / Location Behavior Status/Condition›
LED Ring /
Amplier T op
Flashing Blue Critical Voltage
Flashing Red Critical T emperature
Flashing Y ellow Excessive Current
Upper Left LED /
JLid-COMM Port
JLid-C TRL Port
Green Detecting JLid™ Device
Blue JLid™ Connection Success
Y ellow Invalid JLid™ Device
Flashing Red Excessive Curren t
Upper Right LED /
JLid-COMM Port
Flashing Red
Critical Voltage/T emperature
Excessive Remote Output C urrent
Upper Right LED /
JLid-C TRL Port
Green A ctive T üN™ Connection