Glossary of radar terms
The following is a list of abbreviations and acronyms which may be used in the
text of the manual.
A/D Analog to Digital conversion
ALM Alarm In, also known as the approach alarm. Used to warn of ap-
proach to a preset zone or to a zoned target.
CPU Central Processing Unit
EBL Electronic Bearing Line
EXP Expansion
Fast Time Constant, also known as rain and snow clutter suppression
GPS Global Positioning System
IR Interference Rejection
KM Kilometer
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LL Latitude/Longitude
MH Modulator High voltage
NM Nautical Mile
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PPI Plan Position Indicator (ship’s position/center screen)
PW Pulse Width
RR Range Rings (fixed)
SHM Ship’s Heading Marker
STBY Standby
Sensitivity Time Control, also known as sea surface clutter suppression
TD Time Difference
TI Trigger
VD Video
VOM Volt-ohm Meter
VRM Variable Range Marker
WPT Waypoint
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