Half way across the board between
Sydney and Melbourne you will fi nd a
space fi lled with arrows. This is where
you change lanes to make sure that your
approach route corresponds with the
landing runway. The spaces on which you
land are not affected by the lane you are
in. Possible landing rights apply to both
At the point you encounter fi nancial
obligations that you cannot fulfi l, you
are obliged to sell off one or more of your
landing rights. The bank will pay you half
of the amount stated in the middle of
the card. When selling landing rights to
the bank, the associated fl ight schedule
card must be placed back under the stack.
You take your landing rights card off the
board and add it to your reserve. You can
then use this card again when acquiring
new landing rights.
You are at all times at liberty to sell off
one or more of your landing rights (by
auction if desired) to the other players.
You may sell the landing rights to a player
of your choice at a mutually agreed price.
If you cannot meet your fi nancial
obligations even after you have sold off
all your landing rights, your airline is
declared bankrupt and you are out of the
Play continues until there is but a single
airline in the game. The player at the
helm of this airline wins the game.
If you want to shorten the game, you can
choose to end it once the fi rst player has
gone bankrupt. This prevents anyone from
being sidelined from the game. The player
with the strongest airline at that point
wins the game. All the players count their
money. The landing rights are totalled
according to the value of the amounts
to be paid as landing fees when a player
lands on that space (see landing rights
example). The fl ight schedules in use
at that point in the game count for the
amount the player receives on landing
(see landing example).
• Always try to get as many landing
rights for the same continent. The
landing rights that other players have
to pay increase in line with the number
of landing rights you possess on the
same continent.
• You can trade landing rights as long
as the players never have more than
eight landing rights in their possession
at the same time. By trading smartly
you can try to gain control of an entire
• You can buy landing rights in order to
prevent another airline from gaining
control of an entire continent or to sell
them to another player at a profi t later
on in the game.
• If you get into fi nancial diffi culties,
it could help to sell off one of your
landing rights by auction. Your fellow
players will probably pay less if you are
really about to go bankrupt.
JUMBOJET_alletalen.indd 13JUMBOJET_alletalen.indd 13 19-04-2004 17:45:1119-04-2004 17:45:11