Before use
Before use ....................................................................................2
How to rea d this ma nual ....................................................................................... 2
Prec auti ons ....................................................................................................................2
Get t ing Star ted .......................................................................... 3
Clock set tings ............................................................................................................... 4
T ouch p ane l adju stm ent ....................................................................................... 4
Basics .............................................................................................5
Func tio ns of t he Bu t tons on t he Front Pan el .......................................... 5
Common operat ions ...............................................................................................5
HOME screen descriptions ..................................................................................6
Sou rce contro l scre en de scr ipti ons ............................................................... 6
List s cre en ....................................................................................................................... 6
USB .................................................................................................7
Prepar ation .....................................................................................................................7
Pla yback operations ................................................................................................. 7
iPod/iPhone ................................................................................9
Prepar ation .....................................................................................................................9
Pla yback operations ................................................................................................. 9
Mirroring ....................................................................................11
Prepar ation ................................................................................................................... 11
Mirroring operations..............................................................................................11
T u ner ............................................................................................12
T uner B asic O pe rati on.......................................................................................... 12
Presetting stations ................................................................................................. 12
FM RDS features ....................................................................................................... 12
T uner Setup ................................................................................................................. 13
Ex ternal Components ...........................................................14
Using e x tern al aud io/v ide o pl ayers ............................................................ 14
Rear view ca mera ....................................................................................................14
Bluetooth smartphone .........................................................15
Re giste r your sm ar tp ho ne to th e unit ...................................................... 15
Receive a phone cal l ............................................................................................. 15
Make a p hon e cal l ................................................................................................... 16
Playin g Blu etoo th Audi o Dev ice ....................................................................17
Delete the register ed Bluetooth device ...................................................17
Controlling Audio ...................................................................18
Contro lling G en era l Audi o ................................................................................ 18
Equalizer Contr ol ..................................................................................................... 18
Subwoofer set tings ............................................................................................... 18
Rem ote contro l ........................................................................19
Func tio ns of t he Re mote cont rol Bu t tons .............................................. 19
Installation ................................................................................ 20
Befo re Insta llation ................................................................................................... 20
Inst alli ng th e unit .................................................................................................... 21
Abo ut this Un it ........................................................................ 25
More info rmat ion ....................................................................................................25
T roublesho oting ...................................................................................................... 25
Copyrights ................................................................................................................... 26
Spe cific ations ............................................................................................................ 28
Ñ T o prevent inju r y or fir e, t ake th e
following precautions
• To prevent a shor t circuit, n ever put o r leave any
metalli c obje c ts (such as coins or m etal too ls) inside
the un it.
• D o not watch or fix yo ur eyes on t he unit ’s display
when yo u are driv ing for any e x tende d per iod.
• If yo u exp eri ence prob lems durin g inst allation,
consult your JVC d ealer.
Ñ Precautions on using this unit
• W hen you p urchase opt ional a ccessorie s, che ck
with you r JVC deale r to make sure that they wor k
with you r mod el and in yo ur area.
• T he Ra dio Data Sys tem or Radi o Broad cast Dat a
System feature won’t wor k where th e ser v ice is not
supported by an y broadcasting station.
Ñ Protecting the monitor
• To prot ec t th e monitor f rom dama ge, do not
oper ate the mo nitor using a b allpoint p en or similar
tool wi th the shar p tip.
Ñ Cleaning the Unit
If the f ront pane l of this unit is s tain ed, wip e it w ith
a dr y so f t cloth such a s a silicon cloth. I f the f ront
pane l is stain ed b adly, wipe the s tain o ff with a clot h
moisten ed wi th neu tral cl eaner, then wipe i t again
with a cl ean sof t d r y cloth .
• Ap playin g spray cl eaner dire c tly to the unit m ay affec t
its m echani cal p ar ts . Wip ing the f ront pan el wit h a
hard cloth or usin g a volatile li quid such as thinn er
or alcoho l may scr atch the sur fa ce or eras e scre ened
pri nt.
Ñ How to r ese t your u nit
If the uni t or the conn ec ted u nit fai ls to operate
prop erly, reset the unit .
Reset button
Content s
How to read t his manua l
• T he p anels show n in this guide are e xamp les use d to
provide c lear ex planatio ns of the o per ations . For this
reason, th ey may be di fferent from th e ac tual p anels .
• In o per ation pro cedures , brac ket shape in dicates th e
key or button you shou ld con trol.
< > : indicates th e name of p anel b ut tons.
[ ]: indicates th e name of tou ch keys .
!B5A-3197-00_KWM.indb 2 2019/06/11 16:42