Drive unit setting data backup function
The data saved to the drive unit is usually backed up automatically. However, performing the following operations will cause
a message to appear asking whether or not to update the backup data.
Reinstalling the cycle computer on a bicycle with different settings.
Changing the drive unit settings for an E-TUBE PROJECT.
Connection and communication with the PC
Downloading application
You ne ed E-T UBE PR OJE CT to con figure SHI MAN O S TEP S a nd upd ate firmware.
Download an E-TUBE PROJECT from the support website (http://e-tubeproject.shimano.com).
For information on how to install an E-TUBE PROJECT, check the support website. For information on how to operate the PC,
refer to the help manual on the E-TUBE PROJECT.
Connection and communication with a PC is not possible while charging.
Ě You n eed SM -PC E 1 a nd SM- J C40 / JC4 1 to co nne c t S HIM ANO STE PS to a PC .
Ě Firmware is subject to change without notice.
If necessary, contact the place of purchase.