I General User Manual 59
27.10 Handlebar tapes and handle grips
Handlebar tapes and handle grips are subject to nction-
related wear and therefore may need to be replaced.
Check regularly that the handles are securely
27.11 Hydraulic oils and lubricants
The eectiveness of hydraulic oils and lubricants decreas-
es over time. If lubricants are not replaced, this increases
the wear of the relevant components and bearings.
Clean and relubricate all relevant components and
bearings regularly.
Have the brake uid for disc brakes checked regu-
larly, and replaced if necessary.
27.12 Gear-shi and brake cables
Carry out regular maintenance on all Bowden
Have defective parts replaced at a professional
bike workshop. This may be necessary especially if
the bike is oen le outdoors and is exposed to the
eects of the weather.
27.13 Paint nishes
Paint nishes require regular care, this also ensures that
your bike looks good.
Check all painted surfaces regularly for damage
and touch up immediately if required.
Consult your specialist cycle shop for advice on
how to care for your bike's surface nishes.
27.14 Bearings
All bearings on the bike, such as the headset, wheel hubs,
pedals and bottom brackets, are subject to nction-relat-
ed wear which depends on the intensity and duration of
use and how well the bike is looked aer.
Check these parts regularly.
Clean and lubricate them regularly.
27.15 Sliding bearings and bearings for
ll-suspension ames, suspension
forks or other suspension elements
The suspension components on the bike, particularly the
sliding bearings, bearings and suspension elements, must
cope with very high stresses compared to the other bear-
ings. They are therefore subject to a high degree of wear.
Check these parts regularly and thoroughly.
Observe the enclosed user manual om the
Your specialist cycle shop can advise on how to
look aer these sensitive components, and also on
how to replace them if necessary.
To nd out more important information on maintenance of
wear parts, visit the Internet pages of the relevant compo-
nent manufacturer. The link list in
Chapter 29 provides
an overview with links.