The battery insta lled in this vehicle
is a sealed type, and the sealing strip
should not be remove d at any time af-
ter the specified electrolyte has been
installed in t he battery for initial service.
It is not neces sary to check the battery
electrolyte level or add distilled water.
However, in order to m axim ize bat-
tery life and ensure that it will provide
the power needed to start the motor-
cycle you m us t properly maintain the
battery’s charge. When used regularly,
helps keep the battery fully charged. If
the motorcycle is only used oc ca sion-
ally or for short periods of time, the bat-
tery is m ore likely to discharge.
Due to their internal composition,
batteries continually self discharge.
The discharge rate depends on the
type of battery and ambient temper-
ature. As temperatures rise, so does
the discharge rate. Every 15°C (59°F)
doubles the rate.
Electrical ac cessories, such as digi-
tal clocks and computer memory, also
draw current from the battery even
when the key is switched off. Combine
such “key-off” draws with hot temper-
ature, and a battery can go from fully
charged to completely discharged in a
matter of days.