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Front Panel Operation
3-8 2001-900-01 Rev. K/ August 2010
For measurement functions with a range (voltage, current,
and resistance), the right endpoint of the bar graph is plus full
scale of the present range for positive readings, and minus
full scale for negative readings. When the 100% line changes
to an arrow, the reading exceeds the present range.
Note that the normal bar graph is not available when the
ACV units are dB or dBm.
For functions without a range (frequency and temperature),
the right endpoint of the bar graph is user-programmable by
pressing either CONFIG-NEXT DISPLAY or CONFIG-
PREV DISPLAY. Note that these configuration menus are
context-sensitive. If the unit is in any function except
frequency or temperature, CONFIG-NEXT DISPLAY
results in the zero bar graph configuration display.
Perform the following to view or change the range of the bar
1. From the frequency or temperature function, press the
CONFIG key and then the NEXT or PREV DISPLAY
key. The following menu is displayed:
2. Use the cursor keys ( and ) to place the cursor on
ZERO-AT-LEFT and press ENTER. You will access
one of the following menus:
For frequency:
2Hz 20Hz 200Hz 2kHz 20kHz
200kHz 2MHz 15MHz
For temperature:
BARGRAPH:0 to 0040°C
3. Change the frequency range by highlighting one of the
selections and pressing ENTER. For the temperature
range, use the cursor keys and the RANGE and
keys to enter a numeric value (0 - 9999°C). Press EN-
TER when done.
Zero-centered bar graph
The zero-centered bar graph is a graphical representation of
a reading with plus and minus limits. (See Figure 3-3.) The
limits are expressed in a user-selectable percentage of range
for voltage, current, and resistance, and a user-selectable
value for frequency and temperature.
The vertical lines displayed along the bar designate the plus
and minus limits, zero, and halfway to either limit. There are
ten full segments between zero and each end, so each full
segment represents 10% of the limit. When a line at the limit
changes to an arrow, the reading exceeds the programmed
The plus and minus percentage of range that is programmed
(0.01 - 99.99%) applies to all voltage, current, and resistance
functions. Because of rounding, values greater than 99.5%
are shown as 100% and, likewise, values greater than 1%
(such as 1.67%) are shown rounded to the nearest integer
Note that the zero-centered bar graph is not available when
the ACV units are dB or dBm.
Perform the following to view or change the plus and minus
percentage of range:
1. From a voltage, current, or resistance function, press
CONFIG and then NEXT or PREV DISPLAY. The fol-
lowing is displayed:
2. Change the percentage by using the cursor keys and the
RANGE and keys to enter a numeric value (0.01
- 99.99%). Press ENTER when done. The same percent-
Bar graph (zero-at-left) multiple display
25% of
full range
-11.96859 VDC
50% of
full range
75% of full range
0 -20V
Zero-centered bar graph multiple display
-25% of range
+50% of range
-05.95770 VDC
25% of range
-50% +50%
-50% of range

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