Impor tant Notice Concerning the Software
Software License Attached to the Pr oduc t
The Software embedded in the Pr oduct is composed of several independent software
components, and in each of such individual componen ts, a copyright of either K enwood
or a third party subsists.
The Pr oduct uses the soft war e component designated in the End-User Lic ense Agreement
that was ex ecuted between Kenw ood and a third party (hereinafter "EULA ").
"EULA " cov ers those corresponding to fr ee software, and, as a c ondition of distribution
of the software component in e xecutable format which is based on the license grant ed
under the GNU General Public License or L esser General Public License (hereinaft er
"GPL/L GPL "), it r equires an availability of the sourc e code for the relevant c omponent.
For details of the softwar e component cover ed by "GPL/L GPL " , please visit the following
URL : http://ww w .ken wood.co .jp/gpl
Please note that we ar e unable to answer any inquiry relating t o the contents, et c. of the
source code .
In addition, the software component of the P roduct includes the software developed or
created independen tly by Kenwood , and there exists an ownership of K enwood in such
software and any acc ompanying documents, which is prot ected by the Copyright La w ,
any interna tional treaties and other applicable laws .
As to matters c oncerning the handling of Kenwood softwar e components, please r efer
to the "Software License Agr eement" attached heret o. Please not e that any software
component licensed under "EULA " which is not subject to "GPL/L GPL " , and those
developed or crea ted independently by Kenw ood shall not be subject to the requirement
for provision of the sour ce code.
The software c omponent distributed under "GPL/L GPL " shall be lic ensed to users without
charge, and , therefore, no w arranty is given for such software componen t, either express
or implied, within the scope of the applicable laws and r egulations.
Unless otherwise permitted by applicable laws and regulations or agr eed in written
form, none of the owners of the copyright or persons en titled to alter or redistribute
the software component under the said license shall ha ve any liability for any type of
damage or loss resulting from the use of or inability to use such softwar e component. F or
further details of the conditions of use of such software component or matters r equired
to be complied with, please refer t o the relevant "GPL/L GPL " .
Users are ur ged to read the details for the relev ant license carefully befor e using the
software component c overed by "GPL/L GPL " and embedded in the Product. Since the
terms and conditions of individual licenses ar e provided by parties other than Kenwood ,
the original English version will be included.
V ersion 2, June 1991
Copyrigh t (C) 1989, 1991 Free Softwar e Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street , Fifth Floor , Boston, M A 02110-1301 USA
Everyone is permitted to c opy and distribute verbatim c opies of this license document,
but changing it is not allowed .
The licenses for most softwar e are designed to take a way your fr eedom to share and
change it. By contrast , the GNU General Public License is int ended to guarantee your
freedom to shar e and change free software--to make sur e the software is free for all
its users. This General P ublic License applies to most of the Free Softwar e Foundation ’ s
software and to any other pr ogram whose authors commit to using it . (Some other
Free Softwar e Foundation softwar e is covered b y the GNU Lesser General Public License
instead.) Y ou can apply it t o your programs , too .
When we speak of fr ee software, we ar e referring to fr eedom, not price. Our General
Public Licenses are designed t o make sure that y ou have the fr eedom to distribute copies
of free software (and char ge for this service if you wish), that you receiv e source code or
can get it if you want it , that you can change the softwar e or use pieces of it in new free
programs; and that y ou know you can do these things.
T o prot ect your rights, we need to mak e restrictions that forbid anyone t o deny you these
rights or to ask you t o surrender the rights.
These restrictions translat e to certain responsibilities for you if you distribute c opies of the
software, or if y ou modify it.
For example , if you distribute copies of such a pr ogram, whether gratis or for a fee, you
must give the recipien ts all the rights that you hav e. Y ou must make sur e that they , too ,
receiv e or can get the source code. And y ou must show them these terms so they know
their rights.
W e protect your rights with two steps: (1) c opyright the software, and (2) offer y ou this
license which gives y ou legal permission to copy , distribute and/or modify the software .
Also , for each author’ s protection and ours, w e want to make c er tain that ev er yone
understands that there is no w arranty for this free software. If the softwar e is modified
by someone else and passed on, we wan t its recipients to know tha t what they have is
not the original, so that any pr oblems introduced b y others will not reflect on the original
authors’ r eputations.
Finally , any fr ee program is threat ened constantly by software pa tents. W e wish to av oid
the danger that redistributors of a fr ee program will individually obtain pat ent licenses,
in effect making the program proprietary . T o prevent this , we hav e made it clear that any
patent must be licensed for ev eryone’ s free use or not licensed at all.
The precise t erms and conditions for copying, distribution and modifica tion follow .
0. This License applies to any pr ogram or other work which contains a notic e placed by
the copyright holder saying it ma y be distributed under the terms of this General Public
License. The “P rogram ” , below , refers t o any such program or w ork, and a “work based
on the Program ” means either the P rogram or any deriva tive work under cop yright
law: that is to sa y , a work containing the Pr ogram or a portion of it, either verbatim or
with modifications and/or translat ed into another language. (Hereinaft er , translation
is included without limitation in the term “ modification ” .) Each licensee is addr essed as
“you” .
Activities other than copying, distribution and modifica tion are not cov ered by this
License; they are outside its scope . T he act of running the Program is not restricted, and
the output from the Pr ogram is cover ed only if its contents constitute a w ork based on the
Program (independen t of having been made by running the Program).
Whether that is true depends on what the Pr ogram does.
1. Y ou may copy and distribut e verbatim copies of the Pr ogram’ s source code as you
receiv e it, in any medium, provided tha t you conspicuously and appropria tely publish on
each copy an appropria te copyright notice and disclaimer of w arranty; keep intact all the
notices that refer t o this License and to the absence of any warr anty; and give any other
recipients of the Pr ogram a copy of this License along with the Pr ogram.
Y ou may char ge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy , and you may a t your
option offer warranty prot ection in exchange for a fee.
2. Y ou may modify your c opy or copies of the Program or an y por tion of it, thus forming
a work based on the Pr ogram, and copy and distribute such modifications or w ork under
the terms of Section 1 above, pro vided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) Y ou must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices stating that y ou
changed the files and the date of any change .
b) Y ou must cause any work tha t you distribute or publish, that in whole or in part
contains or is derived fr om the Program or any part thereof , to be licensed as a whole
at no charge to all thir d parties under the terms of this License.
c) If the modified program normally r eads commands interactively when run, you
must cause it, when started running for such interactive use in the most ordinary way ,
to print or display an announcemen t including an appropriate cop yright notice and a
notice that there is no w arranty (or else, saying tha t you provide a w arranty) and that
users may redistribut e the program under these conditions, and t elling the user how
to view a copy of this License .
(Exception: if the Pr ogram itself is interactive but does not normally print such
an announcement, y our work based on the Progr am is not required to print an
These requir ements apply to the modified work as a whole . If identifiable sections of that
work are not deriv ed from the Progr am, and can be reasonably considered independent
and separate w orks in themselves, then this License , and its terms, do not apply to those
sections when you distribute them as separate w orks. But when you distribute the same
sections as par t of a whole which is a work based on the Pr ogram, the distribution of the
whole must be on the terms of this License, whose permissions for other licensees e xtend
to the entire whole , and thus to each and every par t regar dless of who wrote it.
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