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tthhee mmiixxiinngg ttoooollss aanndd ssoommee ooff tthheeiirr uusseess
For making cakes, biscuits, pastry, icing, fillings, éclairs and mashed
For eggs, cream, batters, fatless sponges, meringues, cheesecakes,
mousses, soufflés. Don’t use the whisk for heavy mixtures (eg creaming
fat and sugar) - you could damage it.
dough hook
For yeast mixtures.
to use your mixer
1 Turn the head-lift lever clockwise and raise the mixer head till it locks.
Ensure the bowl seating pad is correctly fitted with the symbol
to insert a tool 2 Push up till it stops then turn.
3 Fit the bowl onto the base - press down and turn clockwise
4 Lift the mixer head slightly then turn the head-lift lever clockwise and lower the
mixer head till it locks.
5 Switch on by turning the speed switch to the desired setting.
Switch to pulse for short bursts.
6 Switch off and unplug after use.
to remove a tool 7 Turn and remove.
Switch off and scrape the bowl with the spatula frequently.
Eggs at room temperature are best for whisking.
Before whisking egg whites, make sure there’s no grease or egg yolk
on the whisk or bowl.
Use cold ingredients for pastry unless your recipe says otherwise.
ppooiinnttss ffoorr bbrreeaadd mmaakkiinngg
Never exceed the maximum capacities below - you’ll overload the
If you hear the machine labouring, switch off, remove half the dough
and do each half separately.
The ingredients mix best if you put the liquid in first.
mmaaxxiimmuumm ccaappaacciittiieess
sshhoorrttccrruusstt ppaassttrryy
Flour weight: 680g - 1lb 8oz Flour weight: 910g - 2lb
ssttiiffff yyeeaasstt ddoouugghh
Flour weight: 1.36kg - 3lb Flour weight: 1.5kg - 3lb 5oz
Total weight: 2.18kg - 4lb 13oz Total weight: 2.4kg - 5lb 5oz
ssoofftt yyeeaasstt ddoouugghh
Flour weight: 1.3kg - 2lb 14oz Flour weight: 2.6kg - 5lb 12oz
Total weight: 2.5kg - 5lb 8oz Total weight: 5kg - 11lb
ffrruuiitt ccaakkee mmiixx
Total weight: 2.72kg - 6lb Total weight: 4.55kg - 10lb
eegggg wwhhiitteess
12 16
ssppeeeedd sswwiittcchh
ccrreeaammiinngg ffaatt aanndd ssuuggaarr
start on ‘min’, gradually increasing to ‘max’.
bbeeaattiinngg eeggggss iinnttoo ccrreeaammeedd mmiixxttuurreess
4 - ‘max’.
ffoollddiinngg iinn fflloouurr,, ffrruuiitt eettcc
min’ - 1
aallll iinn oonnee ccaakkeess
start on ‘min’ speed, gradually increase to ‘max’.
rruubbbbiinngg ffaatt iinnttoo fflloouurr
min’ - 2.
Gradually increase to ‘max’.
dough hook
Start on ‘min’, gradually increasing to 1.
Ensure that no bowl tool is fitted or stored in the bowl when using other
the mixer

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