When the receiving frequency changes by a tuning operation or recalling a preset station, the
tuner automatically switches the IF BAND, RF ATT and ANT A/B functions to obtain the optimum
reception conditions for the signals being received.
RDS (Radio Data System) & EON(Enhanced Other Network) reservation
The RDS makes it possible to select stations according to their program types (PTY search) and to
display the station names.
Moreover, the RDS automatic memory function which stores up to 40 RDS stations automatically
in the memory is featured. This function checks the RDS data when storing stations in the memory
to avoid storing stations which are broadcasting the same program simultaneously.
In addition, by using the EON function which administers the information of other stations, you
can reserve the desired information such as traffic announcement, news and so on, even though
these types of programs are not currently broadcast. While listening to a station which makes the
EON indicator light, the tuner automatically selects the station which starts broadcasting the
program of the desired information. When the program of the desired information ends, the tuner
automatically returns to the previous program.
If this tuner is connected to a KENWOOD amplifier with the system control cord, the amplifier
automatically switches the input source to the tuner input when the program of the reserved
information starts, even when you are listening to the input source other than the tuner.
This unit features a function which stores the broadcast station you are listening to with easy
operations and allows you to store a name for the station.
It is very convenient to register the desired stations. Also, you can recall the stations with easy
Before applying power................................................................................................................................................................. 2
Before applying power.......................................................................................................................2
Special features........................................................................................................................................3
System connection................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Controls and indicators................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Useful functions for broadcast reception................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Receiving a broadcast station (other than RDS stations)..........................................................................8
RDS (Radio Data System)................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Storing broadcast stations in memory............................................................................................................................................................... 10
Receiving a preset station............................................................................................................................................................... 11
Entering broadcast station names............................................................................................................................................................... 12
In case of difficulty............................................................................................................................................................... 16
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