Owner’s Manual DG100
An exclusive message is made up of a set of bytes with values ranging between 0 and 127. Data in the sequencer are given in hexadecimal nota-
tion in the 00h-7fh range. For the list of Solton exclusive messages, please refer to the annex in the Instructions Handbook. Press F6 (EXCL.MSG.)
to enter an exclusive message. At this point you will access a window with 24 boxes which will allow you to enter up to 24 bytes (Solton messa-
ges have a smaller number of bytes). The position of the message is given on the top left-hand corner; you may change this position by pres-
sing the Value -/+ buttons. For every box you may enter or change a message byte, using the Cursor<> buttons to select and the Value -/+ but-
tons to make changes. By pressing both Value -/+ buttons together you will cancel the content of the selected box.
NOTE. The boxes must be filled one after the other, without leaving blank boxes.
Solton exclusive messages are already part of the instrument and can be recognized by the fact that the first data byte (ID) is 26h(38).
The general form of a Solton exclusive message that can change the instrument parameters is:
F0h, 26h, 7Bh, parameter code value_1, value_2, .. ,value_n, F7
Values F0h and F7h are entered automatically by the sequencer.
Let us see some examples:
By entering 26h in the first box and 7bh in the second box, the third box gives you the message parameter code.
Third box: 00h reverb type
01h chorus type
02h reverb level
06h delay type
11h distorsor type
" "
For the complete list, please refer to the annexes in the Instructions Handbook.
From the fourth box onwards, you must enter one or more values according to the parameter in the third box. For example, by entering 26H 7BH
00H 00H, the instrument will set the reverb type 00h = box1.
By entering 26H 7BH 00H 07H you will set reverb number 07h(Hall2).
By entering 26H 7BH 06H 02H you will set delay number 02h(Delay3).
By entering 26H,7Bh,0Bh,00h as first 4 bytes, the fifth byte will indicate the part and the sixth effect that the sound will take up on that part.
Example (effect allocation).
In general: F0H, 26H, 7BH, 0BH, 00H, Part, Effect, F7H
By entering in the boxes 26H 7BH 0BH 00H 00H 02h, the distorsor will go on part 0 (See table below).
Part 0 Preset (right)
1 2nd Voice (right)
2 Lower1 (left)
3 Lower2 (left)
4 Bass (left)
5 Chord1 (left)
6 Chord2 (left)
7 Chord3 (left)
8 Groove (left)
9 Drum (left)
10 Chord5 (left)
11 Program voice1 (right)
12 Program voice2 (right)
13 Program voice3 (right)
14 Program voice4 (right)
Effect 00h no effect
01h Leslie
02h Distorsor
03h Chorus
04h Delay