DG 30
The data recorded will be cancelled each time the track to be recorded is selected. Only the data relative to the track selected will be cancelled howe-
ver, while the contents of the other track will remain unaltered.
The Presets can also be recorded in Dual mode and in Split mode. In Dual mode however the Program change of the 2nd Voice will not be recorded,
whereas in Split mode the Program change of the left voice will not be recorded. The reproduction will be achieved therefore only bearing in mind
the Program change of the main voice in the first case and of the voice to the right of the split in the second case.
Proceed as follows to play the sequence back:
Press the Play key.
Select the sequence to be played back amongst the 8 available using the Value +/- keys.
Press the Start key.
You can play over the sequence being played back both with the Preset voices and the Programs.
The sequence is stopped automatically when it ends. It can be stopped at any time by pressing the Start key. The display will show the number of
the last sequence played back. Select the new sequence using the Value +/- keys and then press Start.
By means of the MIDI connectors the DG 30 transmits and receives the MIDI data on 4 fixed channels: 1, 4, 7, 11.
The Notes, Controls and Program changes from 1 to 32 concerning the main voice are transmitted and received on MIDI Channel 1, both when a Preset
is selected and when a Program is selected.
The Program changes from 1 to 16 are the Presets, from 17 to 32 are the Programs. The Program changes above 32 are always accepted as Program
16 (namely Prog. Change with value 32).
The 2nd voice or the voice to the left, if you are playing in Split mode, is transmitted and received on MIDI Channel 4.
The notes relative to tracks 1 and 2 of the sequencer are transmitted and received repeatedly on MIDI Channels 7 and 11.
The Program changes relative to the tracks of the Sequencer are not transmitted.
In the following two rather frequent examples of MIDI Applications with the DG 30 connected to external MIDI keyboards or modules ( like for exam-
ple KETRON XD3, XD9, SD1,X1, X4 etc.) are given. For easier description, reference to Mod. XD3 is made.
DDGG 3300 wwiitthh ccoommpplleettee ppiiaannoo kkeeyybbooaarrdd
In this case it will be sufficient to set the GLOBAL Channel of the XD3 on reception on Channel 01. The module will behave exactly like a keyboard
with the Arranger and Lead sections already split on C3. The DG 30 will sound on the complete extension.
DDGG 3300 wwiitthh kkeeyybbooaarrdd sspplliittttiinngg aanndd PPiiaannoo oonnllyy tthhee lleeaadd sseeccttiioonn
In this case, first of all the keyboard split must be activated ( see Chapter SPLIT). As a matter of fact, every time a keyboard split is created, the
left section of the DG 30 will transmit on the MIDI 04 channel whereas the right section transmits on Channel 01.
If you wish to assign the Arranger section of the XD3 to the left section of the DG 30, you need to set only the LEFT section of the XD3 on Channel
04 for MIDI reception.
Simply put the Brilliance control to zero to mute the left section of the DG 30. As already seen before, Brilliance has a double function: it softens
the sound brilliance in normal playing conditions, and it also allows to control the volume of the 2nd Voice ( in Dual mode) and of the Voice left
to the split point when the keyboard splitting is activated.
The Reset function of the DG 30 is used to restore all the functions and the initial parameters of the instrument.
To Reset the instrument, turn the instrument on holding the Track 1 and Record keys down together at the same time.