There are five push buttons to the left and five to the right of the display. They are called such as they have no specific function (apart from
calling up the menus as already explained), but they take on the function of the command displayed next to them. If you take a close look you
will see that a blue line has been traced for each function push button that relates to a specific area on the display. This area, when there are
choices or commands available, is taken up by a rectangle that bears the name of the function, of the Voice or of the style to be called up.
There are various possibilities based on the parameter to be modified within a menu.
Direct call up: for the Voices and the styles, the choice of one of these using a function push button immediately calls them up.
Enabling and disabling: Some parameters may have an ON status and Off status, Active or Inactive and the function push button relative to that
parameter has the task of changing its status.
Selection of a line of parameters: Likewise for Program editing, the function push button is used to select a group of parameters, the value of
which is entered using the VALUE +/- push buttons.
Parameters in the middle of the display: Likewise for Voice editing, some parameters may be found in the middle of the display and are accessed
using the CURSOR +/- push buttons.
Calling up a Midi file: Together with the manual selection of a Midi file from a directory, it is also possible to directly indicate the Midi file to be
loaded, with the MASTER FOLDER enabled, by entering the number of the Midi file using the numeric keypad (STYLES push buttons).
Calling up a Single RAM Style: Using the enabled SINGLE RAM STYLE push button, a style can be called up from hard disk by directly entering
the number associated with it.
Entering words or letters: When saving some files the SD1 requests the entry of words, which can be done using the notes of the keyboard to
which letters and numbers are related. The CURSOR+/- push buttons are used to move within the letters of the name and the VALUE +/- push
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