Type of pulse measurement
The pulse measurement can be carried out in two ways:
1. Ear clip
The plug is put into the pulse female connector;
2. built-in receiver and Polar chest strap T34
(please refer to the appropriate instructions). A probably
pluged in ear clip must e removed.)
The cross ergometer Satura E EXT is additionally equipped
with hand pulse sensors.
Appliance interface
The USB interface to the PC is located at the backside of the
display panel
Short description
The electronic system has a functional area with keys and a
display area (display)
Display area / display
The display has 320 x 240 pixels, displaying both words and
Function keys
By means of these 4 keys, you can activate functions, which
are then shown in the above display, e.g. Menu, Persons, etc.
The functions of the keys may vary from one menu to the
Navigation keys
By means of the navigation keys, you can select menu items
in the menu.
Enter keys minus - / plus +
By means of these keys, you can alter values, adjust the stress
values for training and shift profiles.
• “Plus” increases the values or alters settings
• “Minus” reduces the values or alters settings
• Press “Plus” or “Minus” for a longer period of time > quick
• Press “Plus” and “Minus” at the same time:
• Stress skips to smallest performance
• Programs skips to default setting
• Value input skips to Off
Restart of the display (Software-Reset)
If you press these 3 keys at the same time, a restart will be
Pulse female connector
Display values
The illustrations show the operation as wheel
If the rotation speed corresponds to the
example values on the display, the values
for speed and distance at the cross ergono-
meters are lower.
At a pedal rate of 60 min-1
Wheel ergometer = 21.3 km/h
Racing ergometer: = 25,5 km/h
Cross ergometer = 9.5 km/h