■The running belt should be used only for its intended purpose,
i.e. for physical exercise (walking and jogging) by one (1) adult
persons. The treadmill is only intended for use indoors.
■ RISK! Heart rate monitoring systems may be inaccurate. Over
exercise may result in serious injury or death. If you feel faint
stop exercising immediately.
■The running belt is not suitable for commercial use
■Any other use of the equipment is prohibited and may be dan-
gerous. The manufacturer cannot be held liable for damage or
injury caused by improper use of the equipment. This training
device is for home use only.
■Damaged components may endanger your safety or reduce the
lifetime of the equipment. For this reason, worn or damaged
parts should be replaced immediately and the equipment taken
out of use until this has been done. Use only original KETTLER
spare parts.
■The running belt has been designed in accordance with the
latest standards of safety. Incorrect repairs and structural modi-
fications (e.g. removal or replacement of original parts) may
endanger the safety of the user.
■The training machine must be positioned on a horizontal, stable
surface. Place suitable cushioning material underneath it for
shock absorption and to stop if from slipping (rubber mats or
You must ensure that the connection line is not jammed and does
not pose a tripping hazard.
■Always ensure that the space under the running belt is kept free,
i.e. that there are no objects, pets etc. beneath it.
■Never touch the moving belt with your hands. Also ensure that
there are no objects close to the belt or the rollers which could
be pulled into it thus causing injury or damaging the unit itself.
■The running belt is not suitable for use by persons weighing
over 120 kg.
■This treadmill is a motorised training device that requires speci-
al safety precautions and knowledge when being operated.
People with diminished physical, sensory or mental capacities as
well as children must be given instructions on the proper use of
the device and must never use the device unattended.
■The device's continuous sound level at maximum speed is 72
■The unit should be positioned in such a way that there is a space
of 100 cm on both sides and 200 cm behind it.
■The mains adapter requires a mains voltage of 230 V, 50 Hz.
It should be connected only to grounded safety socket with a
single 16-A fuse. Do not under any circumstances carry out elec-
trical repairs or alterations yourself. Always ensure that such
work is done by a properly qualified electrician.
■The training appliance must only be used with the appropriate
Kettler-made power-pack.
■Do not use any multiple sockets for connection purposes! If using
an extension line, this must satisfy the VDE guidelines.
■If not being used for a longer period of time, remove the
device's mains adapter from the socket.
■You must remove the mains adapter when performing all repair,
maintenance and cleaning work.
■Repairs on the electrical components in the unit should be car-
ried out by qualified persons only.
■Always observe the general safety rules and precautions for
working with electrical equipment.
■All electric appliances emit electromagnetic radiation when in
Please read these instructions carefully prior to carrying out assembly and using for the first time. They contain infor-
mation which is important for your safety as well as for the use and maintenance of the appliance. Keep these instruc-
tions in a safe place for reference purposes, maintenance work and to assist you when ordering spare parts.
All KETTLER products are designed in accordance with the latest safety regulations and undergo a constant process of quality control during manufacturing. The knowledge
gained in this process is used to constantly improve and develop our products. In order to offer our customers the very best in product quality, we reserve the right to make
technical changes at any time. In spite of this, should you have any cause for complaint, please contact your KETTLER dealer.
Bandjustierung: Die Bandjustierung geschieht während des Band-
laufes bei einer Geschwindigkeit von ca 6 km/h (ggf. weniger) Bei
der Justierung darf keine Person auf dem Band laufen!
Wandert das Band nach rechts, drehen Sie die rechte Stellschrau-
e (Bild H4) mit dem beiliegenden Steckschlüssel um maximal eine
Viertel Umdrehung im Uhrzeigersinn.Belaufen Sie das Band und
kontrollieren den Lauf. Wiederholen Sie den Vorgang solange, bis
das Band wieder gerade läuft.
Weicht das Band nach links ab, drehen Sie die rechte Stellschrau-
be (Bild H4) mit dem beiliegenden Steckschlüssel um maximal eine
Viertel Umdrehung gegen den Uhrzeigersinn.Belaufen Sie das
and und kontrollieren den Lauf. Wiederholen Sie den Vorgang
solange, bis das Band wieder gerade läuft.
Bandstraffung: D
rehen Sie die Stellschraube (Bild H4) max. eine
Umdrehung im Uhrzeigersinn. Wiederholen Sie den Vorgang an
der anderen Seite. Kontrollieren Sie, ob das Endlosband durch-
rutscht. Ist dies der Fall, müssen Sie den beschriebenen Vorgang
noch einmal durchführen.
Gehen Sie bei der Bandjustierung und -straffung sehr sorgfältig
vor; eine extremeÜber- oder Unterspannung kann zu Schäden
Libble nimmt den Missbrauch seiner Dienste sehr ernst. Wir setzen uns dafür ein, derartige Missbrauchsfälle gemäß den Gesetzen Ihres Heimatlandes zu behandeln. Wenn Sie eine Meldung übermitteln, überprüfen wir Ihre Informationen und ergreifen entsprechende Maßnahmen. Wir melden uns nur dann wieder bei Ihnen, wenn wir weitere Einzelheiten wissen müssen oder weitere Informationen für Sie haben.
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