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Owing to the hip extension the gluteal muscles (3) are trained as well.
In the area of torso muscles, the training in case of pulling movements
(see figure 1) mainly uses the latissimus dorsi (6) and the erector spinae
(8). Moreover, you will train the trapezius muscle (7), the rear deltoid mu-
scle (9) and the arm flexor (10).
In the area of the upper part of the body, the pushing movements (see fi-
gure 2) mainly trains the pectoralis major (11) the front deltoid muscle
(12) and the arm extensor (13).
Vary the intensity of your training, i.e. change between pulling and pushing
movements by repositioning the grip. In this way you achieve a uniformly
distributed strengthening of your upper body's muscles (agonists and anta-
gonists) which is stabilising your posture and relieving your spinal column.
The two different positions of the grip are described on page 10/11.
Training - planning and control
Your current physical condition must be taken into account in planning
your program of training with the RIDER VARIO. Your doctor can carry out
the necessary tests. Your program of exercise should be based on the re-
sults of these tests. If you have not carried out an endurance test under
medical supervision, excessive exercise with the RIDER VARIO should be
avoided. In planning your program of exercise, the following principles
should be kept in mind. Endurance training is controlled both by the amo-
unt and the intensity of exercise.
Intensity of exercise
When exercising with the RIDER VARIO, the intensity of exercise can be
checked by means of the pulse rate. The formula used for calculating the
maximum pulse rate is 200 minus your age in years. Under no circum-
stances should this figure be exceeded. However, to gain most benefit from
your exercise, do not exceed a pulse rate of
180 minus your age in years.
Thus, a person of fifty should keep his or her pulse rate around 130 be-
ats per minute. This formula for calculating training intensity has been ap-
proved by numerous medical scientists. The intensity of training with RIDER
VARIO is controlled by the number of strokes per minute (stroke frequency):
With the frequency increasing the load intensity grows. Beginners should
not exceed 20 – 30 strokes per minute; advanced trainees may perform
up to 40 strokes and fitness pros more than 40 strokes per minute.
The intensity may also be increased by fitting one or two elastics (delivery
scope) corresponding to an additional weight of 2 x 25 kg. In order to
avoid overstrain, however, we recommend to use them only as an advan-
ce trainee. Fitting the elastics is described on page11 .
Try to adjust your individual number of strokes per minute and the possib-
ly fitted additional weight with the recommended pulse rate and your brea-
thing rhythm.
Check your pulse rate at three different points during your session of exer-
cise. Before beginning, check your pulse rate „at rest”; then about 10 mi-
nutes after beginning check your pulse rate “under stress“ (it should be clo-
se to the recommended figure); and one minute after stopping exercising,
check your “recovery pulse“. Enter the three figures in the table provided
for the purpose. Regular exercise causes a decline in the pulse rates “at
rest“ and “under stress“. This is one of the many desirable effects of en-
durance training. The slower the heart beats, the more time is available for
the supply of blood to the heart.
Amount of exercise
This includes both the duration of the exercise sessions and their frequen-
cy per week. The following amounts have been scientifically tested and
approved: (see table)
Exercise sessions of 20-30/30-60 minutes are not suitable for beginners.
Instead, beginners should increase their exercise load only gradually.
Keep your first sessions relatively short. Interval training is a useful alter-
native program for beginners.
After this 4-week initial phase, you can exercise with the KETTLER RIDER
VARIO for 10 minutes every day without resting. If, at a later date, you
wish to exercise for 20 - 30 minutes three times per week, you should
keep one day free between every two exercising days.
Accompanying gymnastics
Gymnastics are an excellent way of supplementing your program of exer-
cise with the RIDER VARIO. Always warm up properly before using the RI-
DER VARIO. Get your circulation going with a series (15 - 20 per minu-
te) of easy movements and stretches. Finish your exercising session off
with an equal number of movements of the same kind.
Frequency Duration of session
frequency 3 times per week 3 mins. RIDER VARIO pulling movements
1 min. rest
3 mins. RIDER VARIO pushing movements
1 min. rest
3 mins. RIDER VARIO pulling movements
frequency 4 times per week 5 mins. RIDER VARIO pushing movements
1 min. rest
5 mins. RIDER VARIO pulling movements
daily 10 min.
2–3 times per week 20–30 min.
1–2 times per week 30–60 min.
initial phase weeks 1 and 2
initial phase weeks 3 and 4
after the initial phase
Pulling and/or pus-
hing movements
fig. 2
Pushing movements
fig. 1
Pulling movements

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