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two training sessions if you prefer the 3-times-a-week training pro-
gramme of 20-30 minutes each later on. Apart from that, there’s
a lot to be said for one 10-minute session daily on the KETTLER Po-
wer Stepper.
The sequence of movements when training using the KETTLER Po-
wer Stepper can be compared with climbing the stairs and is one
we should all be familiar with.
Nevertheless, one or two points merit particular attention:
Always ensure before training commences that the appliance
is correctly set up and securely positioned.
Take the handrails firmly in both hands when mounting the ap-
Ensure a secure footing on the treads by selecting suitable
Do not train with no hands during the beginner stage. A so-
und command of the sequence of movements required must
first be secured and consolidated. When you feel confident
enough about the climbing motion, you can switch over gra-
dually to letting go of the handrails and to swinging your arms
by your sides as you would when climbing the stairs. This me-
thod of training incorporates a highly effective way of exerci-
sing the entire body, serving also to fine-tune the body’s sen-
se of co-ordination and balance.
Please note: This method of training is only suitable for the ad-
vanced and top-fit athlete with staying power and a sound
command of the sequence of movements involved.
Set the stepping resistance at the adjusting rings on the oil-
pressure damping tubes (Step 1-12) to meet individual requi-
rements and to accommodate personal body weight.
Use of the upper and lower limits stops of the damping tubes
and the tread members should be avoided in order to protect
joints and treat the oil-pressure damping tubes with the ap-
propriate level of care. Avoid stretching the knee joints to the
full during training, but instead begin the return action just be-
fore this point.
Training to music or in front of the television can help to boost
Ensure when training that your step-frequency is consistent and
that you are securely positioned on the appliance.
It is primarily the muscles of the lower extremi-
ties which respond to training using the KETT-
LER Power Stepper.
The stair-climbing motion mainly activates the
muscles of the posterior, the thighs and the cal-
ves and serves to strengthen them, in particular
where the individual has had little prior expo-
sure to training and exercise. This is generally
coupled with a tightening of the tissue in the parts of the body con-
cerned. In addition, training using no hands at a more advanced
stage can assist in enhancing the body’s sense of co-ordination
and balance.
All in all, the KETTLER Power Stepper offers you an excellent op-
portunity to improve your fitness from the point of view of stamina
and strength, and it goes without saying that a healthy lifestyle
which is reflected is a healthy diet cannot help but make the ulti-
mate success enjoyed in training complete.

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Suche zurücksetzen

  • kettler
    7874.8oo Fs 1068
    Kaputter Teil: SCAN-TIME-COUNT
    Auto- Power-ON/OFF Eingereicht am 19-3-2018 17:49

    Antworten Frage melden
  • Wie soll ich folgende Bedienung handhaben ohne Pulsfrequenz
    Nur die Zahl der geleisten stepps und Zeit in minuten.
    Ich muss tàglich Pradaxa einnehmen wegen dem Herzkreislauf und hoffe dass es nicht gesundheitlich schädigend ist wenn ich täglich 5 x 2 Minuten mache oder reicht das nicht ich habe jetzt 72 Jahre
    Die Bedienungsanleitung sieht folgendes vor
    SCAN ----- TIME ---- COUNT

    AUTO ----POWER---- ON / OFF
    Wie muss ich da vorgehen.
    Soll jeden Tag 3x2 Minuten machen und wie soll ich diese Angaben mit den zurückgelegten Treppenzahlen einstellen

    Mit freudlichen Grüssen
    François BRESSER

    Eingereicht am 3-5-2017 22:22

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