TX29U -Wireless 915 MHz Temperature Tran smitter
The TX-29U temperature t ransmitter measures the outdoor temperature and
transfers the data to the temperature s tation.
1. One TX29U Temperature transmitt er
2. Mounting hardware
3. Instructi on manual and warranty card.
• Two fresh AA, IEC LR6, 1.5V Alkali ne batteries.
• The temperature transmitter s hould be placed in a dry, s haded area.
Avoid direct sun, as t hat will cause incorrect readings .
• Fog and mist will not harm your tempe rature transmit ter but direct rain
must be avoided.
• The temperature transmitter has a range of 330 feet (100 m). Keep in
mind that the 330 fe et is in open air with no obs tructions and t hat radio
waves DO NOT curve around objects. Act ual transmission rang e will vary
depending on what is in the path of the signal . Each obstruct ion (roof,
walls, floors, ce ilings, thic k trees, etc .) will effectively cut signal range in
Example: A wireless weather/ t emperature station with a 330 feet (100 m)
range is mounted on an interior wall, s o that the signal has to pass
through one interior wall, one exterior wall, and a cross the 10 feet (3 m)
width of the room between the 2 wall s. The first wall will reduce the range
to 165 feet (50 m), an d the second wall will reduce the range t o 87 feet
(26.5 m). Factoring in the 10 foot room, this leaves a maximum of 77 feet
(23.5 m) of remaining signal range.
This allowance is typical ly enough for a frame wall with non-met allic
siding; however certain material s can reduce range even furth er. Metal
siding, stucc o, and some types of glas s can reduce signal range by as
much as ¾ or more, compa red to the ½ reduction t ypical of most
obstructions . It is pos sible to receive a signal through these material s,
however maximum range will be much less due to their t endency to
absorb or reflect a much larger port ion of the senso r’s signal.
• The Temperature transmi tter transmits a signal about every 4.5 seconds.
After the bat teries have been instal led, the indoor t emperature stat ion will
search for the signal for a duration of few minutes. If there is no
temperature reading in th e OUTDOOR LCD after 5 minut es, user s hall
make sure the uni ts are within range of each other, or repeat the battery
installation proc edure.
• If a button is pres sed before the indoor temperat ure station receives the
signal from the Temperature t ransmitter, you will need to f ollow the battery
installation proc edure again.
When on e transmitte r is to be used
1. First, insert the b atteries to the tem perature tra nsmitter (see “Battery
Installat ion” below).
2. Within 2 m inutes of powering up the tr ansmitter, ins ert the batteries t o
the Temperature Station (see “Battery Inst allation” below). Once the
batteries are in plac e, all segmen ts of the LCD will light up briefly.
Following the indoor temperature a nd the time as 12:00 will be
displayed. If they are not shown in LCD after 60 seconds , remove the
batteries and wait for at l east 60 seconds b efore reinserting th em. Once
the indoor data is disp layed user may proceed to the next step.
3. After the bat teries are inserted, the Temperature Station will start
receiving data signal fr om the transmitt er. The outdoor tem perature
should then be displayed on th e Temperature station. If this does not
happen after 5 minutes , the batteri es will need to be removed from both
units and reset fr om step 1.
4. In order to ensure suf ficient 915 MHz transmission however, there
should be a distanc e of no more than 330 feet (100 meters) between the
final position of t he Temperature Station and the transmitt er.
Adding additional remote transmitters (using more than 1 transmitter)
1. User shall remove all t he batteries f rom the temperature st ation and
transmitters an d wait 60 seconds if set ting has been done with on e
transmitter before.
2. Insert the batteries to th e first transmitter.
3. Within 2 m inutes of powering up t he first trans mitter, i nsert the batt eries
to the Tempera ture Station. Once the batte ries are in place , all
segments of the LCD will light up brief ly. Following the indoor
temperature and the t ime as 12:00 will be displayed. I f they are not
shown in LCD after 60 s econds, remove the batterie s and wait for at
least 60 seco nds before reinserting t hem.
4. The outdoor temperature fr om the first trans mitter (channel 1) sh ould
then be displayed on t he Temperature stati on. Also, the s ignal reception
icon will be displa yed. If this does not happen aft er 5 minutes, the
batteries will need t o be removed from both units and res et from step 1.
5. Insert the bat teries to the sec ond transmitt er as soon as the o utdoor
temperature readings f rom the first transmitte r are displayed on the
temperature stat ion.
User shall insert the b atteries into t he second transmitt er within 45 seconds of
reception of the fi rst transmitter.
6. The outdoor temperature fr om the second trans mitter and t he "channel
2" icon should t hen be displayed on the Temperature s tation. If this
does not happen af ter 5 minute, the bat teries will need to be removed
from all the unit s and reset from ste p 1.
7. Insert the bat teries to the t hird transmitter a s soon as the " channel 2"
icon and outdoor data a re displayed on the temperature st ation. Then
within 5 minutes, the channel 3 out door data from the third transmitter
will be displayed and the c hannel icon will shift bac k to "1" onc e the third
transmitter is success fully received. If this is not happen, us er shall
restart the set ting up from step 1.
Note: User shall insert the batteries into th e third transmi tter within 45 seconds
of reception of the s econd transmitter.
8. In order to ensure suff icient 915 MHz t ransmission however, this should
under good conditions be a distance no more t han 330 feet (100 m)
between the final pos ition of the Temperat ure Station and t he
Transmission pro blems will arise if t he setting for add itional sensors i s not
followed as described above. Should t ransmission problems occur, it is
necessary to remove the batteri es from all units and start again the set-up from
step 1.
Temperature Station
1. Lift up the bat tery compartment cover.
2. Observ ing the corre ct polarity install 2 AA, Al kaline batteri es.
The batteries will fit ti ghtly (to avoid start-up problems make sure they do
not spring free).
3. Replace compartment cover.
Remote Temperature transmitter
1. Remove the battery cover by sliding the cover down.
2. Observing the correct polarity install 2 AA, Alkaline b atteries. The
batteries will fit ti ghtly (to avoid start-up problems mak e sure they do not
spring free).
3. Replace the battery cover by sliding upwards. Be sure battery cover is on
If the signal reception is not su ccessful on t he first fr equency of 915MHz
for 45 seconds , the frequency is c hanged to 920MHz and t he learning is
tried for another 45 seconds. If i t is still not s uccessful the reception is
tried for 45 seco nds on 910MHz. This will also be d one during re-
Detailed Set up proc edures of the Tempera ture Station and the
Transmitter refe r to the main ope ration manual of WS-9021U or 9640U.
The Temperature transmitt er can be mounted onto a wall with the us e of screws
1. Remove the mounting brack et from the Temperature t ransmitter.
2. Place the mounti ng bracket over the desired loc ation.
3. Through the two screw holes of the bracket, mark the mounting surfac e
with a pencil.
4. Screw mounting bracket ont o the mounting surfac e. Ensure that the
screws are tight agains t the bracket.
5. Insert the Temperature t ransmitter into the bracket.