Instructions and warranty
• KeeptheInhalatorawayfromyoureyesduringuse.Themedicamentmistcouldcauseinjury.
• Afterusingtheappliancefor13minutesnon-stop,itmustbeallowedtocoolforatleast
3 minutes.
• OnlyusetheaccessoriessuppliedbyLaicaSpA.
• Incaseofdiabetesorotherillnesses,itissuggestedtoconsultyourphysicianbeforeundergoingthe
inhalation therapy.
• Pregnantwomenshouldconsulttheirphysicianbeforeundergoingtheinhalationtherapy.
• Beforeusingapreparation,clearwithyourphysician,ifitissuitableforthepersontouseit.Useonly
medicines prescribed or suggested by your physician.
• Todilutethepreparation,useexclusivelyanisotonicsolutionofsodiumchloride,sinceotherwise
respiratory problem may arise.
1) Main unit
2) ON/OFF key
3) Operation warning light (ON/OFF)
4) Water tank
5) Upper cover
6) Drug holding nebulizer (with spare parts)
7) Nebulization chamber
8) Water level indicator
9) Transducer
10) Nebulization dispenser
11) Flow control device (MIN-MAX)
12) Air connection tube
13) Fitting for masks
14) Mask for adults
15) Mask for children
16) Mouthpiece
17) Transformer plug
18) Transformer
1) Before each use, carefully clean and disinfect the water tank, the cover, the fitting, the air connection
tube, the mouthpiece and the masks according to paragraph “Cleaning and maintenance”.
2) Place the device on a flat surface.
3) Remove the cover.
The tank capacity is 15 cc. Fill it with water, preferably distilled water, until the red level indicator is rea-
ched. This water is used as liquid conducing to the drug the ultrasonic waves and is never nebulized.
Do not put the tank directly under the tap to fill it with water. It is strictly forbidden to use salt solution
and water with any chemical element. Do not pour drugs directly in the tank.
4) Fill the nebulizer with the drug, then place it in the water tank according to figure 1. Pour the drug
paying attention not to exceed the maximum capacity.
Follow the instructions for use and the dosing of the medicinal product you are using.
If such product has to be diluted with an isotonic solution of sodium chloride, pour first of all the
solution in the nebulizer and then add the product according to the stated dosing.
5) Close the tank with the proper cover.
6) Now, insert the pipe and the mouthpiece or the fitting and the mask for adults/children in the cover,
according to figure 2.
In case of inhalation through mouthpiece:
In case of troubles at low respiratory system, for example cough or bronchial infections, use the mou-
- Sit upright.
- Connect the air connection tube in the cover and in the other end insert the mouthpiece.
- Tighten the mouthpiece well with the lips.
- Inhale slowly and deeply through the mouth and exhale through the nose. To increase the efficacy of
the therapy, hold your breath for a while after having inhaled.