Port: Check from detailed menu according to operator
DNS: Primary DNS as mentioned in detail menu
In case NA or Null in detailed menu– No need to enter any data
Changing Settings for Airtel Live
Step1: Menu Settings More… Mobile Networks Access Point Names
Step 2: Select Airtel Live or in case Airtel Live doesn’t exist to press “Option Key”’ and
then Click ”New APN” .
Step 3: Enter the details
Account Name: Airtel Live
APN: airtelfun.com
Username: Leave Blank
Password: Leave Blank
Authentication Type: Normal
Step 4: Entering the details
Homepage: http://live.airtelworld.com
Connection Type: HTTP
Port: 8080
For MMS Settings
Step1: Menu Settings More… Mobile Networks Access Point Names
Step2: Press “Option Key” and then Click “New APN” to create new profiles.
Step 3: After that enter the data settings as given on page 3-10 in detailed manual
taking care of following:
Account Name: Enter any name for connection
APN: Check from detailed menu according to operator
Username: Check from detailed menu according to operator
Password: Check from detailed menu according to operator
Authentication Type: Normal (in case of NA in detailed manual)
Advanced Settings: Edit required settings
Step 4: After that enter the data settings as given on under Table1 on page 3-10 taking
care of following: