Eyepiece correction lenses
To allow you to adjust the eyepiece setting by
more than the standard ± 2 diopters, corrective
lenses from – 3 to + 3 diopters are available (in
whole diopter steps). To insert the corrective
lens, first of all remove the eyecup (see p. 117),
then place the lens in the eyepiece cavity and
slide the eyecup back into place. A safety catch
prevents both from being lost.
Angle viewfinder
The angle viewfinder (order no. 14300) makes it
easier to see the viewfinder image when taking
photographs from a repro-stand or from the
"worm perspective”. A simple switch also acti-
vates a 2x magnifying glass. To attach the angular
viewfinder, the camera’s eyecup first of all has to
be removed.