Ever-ready cases are available for the LEICA R9,
which provide the camera with a high level of
mechanical protection. (Order no. 14519 for cam-
era without Motor-Winder R8/R9, order no. 14527
for camera with Motor-Winder R8/R9). Various
combination cases are also available for a varied
range of equipment with several lenses and
An assortment of color, UVa and polarising filters
are available for use on Leica R lenses.
When the exposure is metered through the lens,
the light absorption of the filter is generally taken
into account automatically. However, different
films have a different sensitivities in the individu-
al areas of the spectrum. For this reason, filters
that are more dense or extreme may cause
deviations from the metered exposure time. For
example, orange filters normally require a com-
pensation of one aperture value, red filters
around 2 aperture values on average. It is not
possible to provide a generally applicable value,
as black and white films have very different
sensitivities to red.
Circular polarisation filters allow you to meter
and set the camera in the same way as with nor-
mal filters. Linear polarisation filters should not
be used. Metering with linear polarisation filters
can result in extreme deviations, as the trans-
parent main mirror also has a polarising effect
and, depending on the filter position, can falsify
the measurement.