5.2 Inserting a memory card (not included)
This camera has built-in internal memory. T his memory can be extended with a SD memory card (n ot
Follow the instructions given below to insert the o ptional SD memor y card into the camera.
1. T urn o ff the camera fi rst.
2. Insert the SD ca rd into the ca mera.
Note: There is only one right d irection to insert the SD memory car d into the slot. Do not forc e the card
into the slot, or else it may damage bot h the camera and the SD me mory card.
Note: The SD memor y card must be f ormatted be fore taking ph otograph s. See the following sections for
more information.
5.3 Formatting the memory or SD card
1. Press Menu button
2. Select Setup setting by right key .
3. Press OK to confirm and select by up or dow n key.
4. Press OK to forma t the card or memory.
5.4 Setting the resolution
The camera can be set to different resolutio ns.
1. Press MENU to set proper resolution.
Resolution: VGA(64 0X480 ),1.3M (1 280x960 ) 3.1M (20 48X1536),
5M (2560 x 1920), 8M (3264x 2448), 12M (4032x302 4)
2. Si x different resolutions will be displayed. Select the des ired resolution by using the ▲ or
▼buttons and then pres s the OK button to confirm the selection.
5.5 Taking photographs
1. Turn on the camera b y pressing the O N/OFF button.
2. P ress MODE to set the camera to photo m ode (
3. Dep ending on the distanc e to the object being phot ographed, use Mac ro switch to adjust
the distan ce. Select the flower sy mbol (
) if you wish to take a close-up photograph ( 11cm
If you wish to take photogra ph of surroundings or people (0. 5m - infinity), set the Macro switc h to
Normal mode (
4. If you are not sure if t here is enough lighting, turn the automat ic flash (
) on by pressing the flash
button. (If the battery power is t oo low, the flash won’t be acti vated).
5. Use the LCD screen to aim the object you wish to ph otograph.
6. Pre ss Shutte r button and hold the camera s teadily for 2 to 3 sec, until the LCD disp lay turn on again.
Caution: 1) Taking picture for fast-moving object is not recommended.
2) Image may be distorted when taking picture in a moving vehi cle.
5.6 Zoom in and out
The camera can zoom in up to 8 times.
1. Zoo m in by pressing the ▲ or▼ button, a number will appear on the display. 8.0 is the m aximum
2. You can zoom in by pr essing the UP or DOW N button.
5.7 Taking photographs using self-timer functi on
You can use the self-ti mer function when you wish to take a photo graph for yourself or whe n you wish to
photograph for an object where the camera must be as st ill as possible, for example on t he stand.
1. Set the camera to photo mode.
2. Press the MENU butto n. The quick menu will appear.
3. Press ▼ to self-timer mode, press OK and ▲or ▼ to set the delay time: 2seconds / 10 seconds /
10+2seco nds or off.
4. Pr ess the OK button to con firm. The self-time r function is now ready for use.
5. Aim at the object you wish to photograph.
6. Press the SHUTTER button to take a photogr aph.
7. The self-timer indic ator LED in the front will blink.
8. The photograph will be t aken after the t imer reaches t he delay time that you pre-s et, and the
camera will beep once.
5.8 Recording video clips
1. Press the MODE button to select the vid eo clip mode.
2. Press the SHUTTER button to start recor ding video, press th e SHUTTER butt on again to stop
recording. The video cl ip will now be saved as an AVI f ile in the camera memory.
3. Press MENU to set proper resolution, E V and WB, and press OK to confi rm.
5.9 Playback photographs
Press PLAYBACK b utton, press or to select the video clip or photo.
2. Press ▲ , it w ill go to 2x zo om, press ▲ again to 3x zoom…… up to 8x.
3. Press “OK” and then Pres s ▲, ▼, or to shift th e image.
4. Press MENU to select SLIDE SHOW , and then press OK to confirm . The pictures saved in your
camera or your SD card will be displayed in sequence automatically.
5.10 Playback video clips
1. When video clips are displayed, press OK to play, and press DOW N key to stop.
2. Press OK to pause the playback
3. Press Playback key to exit.
5.11 Recording voice
1. Press MODE button to select th e voice recording mode,
2. Press S HUTTER to start v oice recording and press it ag ain to stop.
5.12 Delete photographs and video clips
You can choose to delete a single phot ograph / video cli p, or delete all the photo graphs / video clips in the
memory .
5.12.1 Delete photograph
Follow the instructions given below to delete phot ograph.
1. Press PLAYBACK to enter the pl ayback m ode.
2. Press the MENU button and select Delete One/Del ete All, press OK to confirm.
3. If y ou sele ct Protect pictur e, your curren t file or image s can not be deleted.
4. Pr ess MENU to exit.
NOTE: Select ‘Deleting All ’ and Press OK to confirm, all t he pictures will be deleted.
5.12.2 Shortcut to delete one picture
1. Pre ss PLAYBACK to ent er Playback mode.
2. S elect the photo (vid eo) you want to delete, p ress DELET E
button .
3. Press OK to confirm.
6. Installing th e camera dri ver
The driver in the CD has to be installed, und er following applications :
For windows ME, W indows 2000, Wi ndows XP and Windows Vista: Using as a PC cam only. (Downloa d
picture /video is driver f ree)
6.1 Uninstalling old drivers and de vices
There is a chance for a conflict between the new driver and an existi ng driver in the computer. In that case,
it is better to remove those drivers b efore installing t he new driver.
1. E nter Windows ‘Safe Mode’ (press F8 wh en starting W indows and then select ‘Safe Mode’ from
the menu which will be displayed).
2. Click on ‘ Start – Setti ngs – Control Panel’ and dou ble-click on ‘Add/Remove Prog rams’ icon.
3. Find al l the programs for similar, old devices and remove these by c licking on the ‘Add/Remove’
button. W hen in ‘Safe Mode’, it is possible for so me programs to appear tw ice. In
that case, remove all the programs which ap pear twice.
4. Restart the computer.
6.2 Installing the driver for Windows ME / Window s 2000 / Windows XP / Window s Vista
Note: Make sure all other programs are cl osed during the inst allation process.
Note: During installation for Windows XP/V ista, you may receive a message saying that the driver has not
been signed. This does not cause a problem for t he functionality of the program. Please click "Yes"
to continue.
Note: For example, ‘D: \’ is used to indicate the CD-RO M drive. This may be different for y our computer.
1. Ins ert the CD-ROM into your computer’s CD-ROM drive. The installation program will start
automatically . If it does not s tart automatica lly, please do the following:
a) Select 'Run' from W indows Start menu.
b) Type [D:\SETUP.EXE] and click on 'OK' to start the Software Installer.
2. The Software Installer will appear.
3. Select the language you wish t o use for th e installation.
4. Click on ‘ Insta ll driver‘to start th e installation of the c amera driver.
5. Fol low the on-scr een instructions.
6.3 Connecting the camera
The camera can be connec ted to the comput er in two different modes : Mass Storage Device, or as a PC
camera for vi deo confe rencing on th e Internet .
6.3.1 Connecting as a mas s storage device
1. T urn the camera on by pressing the ON/OFF button.
2. Pr ess MEN U button and p ress RIGHT key to select the Setup setting.
3. Press ▼button to set USB connecti on.
4. Press ▲or ▼butto n to choose the Disk Drive mode.
5. Press OK to confirm.
6. Connect the camera to the computer.
7. Windows will automatically detect the camer a. You can use this cam era as a removable disk .
6.3.2 Connecting as a P C camera
When you connect the camer a as a PC camera, you can use the camer a as a web cam for video
conferencing o n the Intern et by using W indows N etMeeting or W indows Messen ger.
(You mus t install the driver befor e connecting the Digita l Camera to your computer .)
1. T urn the camera on by pressing the ON/OFF button.
2. Pr ess MEN U button and p ress RIGHT key to select the Setup setting.
3. Press▼ button to chook USB connecti on.
4. Press ▲or ▼ butto n to choose the PC camera mode.
5. Pr ess OK to co nfirm.
6. C onnect th e camera to the computer.
7. Windows will automatically detect the camer a. You can use this cam era as a web camera.
7. Tr ouble s hooti ng
Problem Cause Solution
Cannot tu rn on the came ra by
pressing the “p ower” but ton.
Low bat t ery po wer.
Battery placed at wron g
Repla ce or install the battery cor rectly.
Photos can not be saved when
taking pictures.
The me mory card or built-i n
memory ha sn’t b een
formatted properly.
Format th e memory in SETUP mod e of
the camera. Please ref er to section 5.3.
Cannot find removable disk aft er
conne cting the camera to the
1. Conne ction fail ure.
2. The mode of the camera
is not s et to removab le
disk pr operly
1. Make sure all cable connections are
secured and restart the comput er if
2. Set the camera to remo vable disk
mode, refer to section 6.3.1 (system
setting, U SB connection) .
Flash doe s not work. Battery Power is to o low. Replace wi th new ALKALINE b attery.
The bat teries used up very fast. Use wrong type of bat tery. Repla ce with new ALKAL INE battery .
The photos are over expos ure
Set the f lash light to force
in brig ht
Set the Fla sh light to Auto mode
The photos are blurry
1. The camera is not held
2. The lens of camera is
dirt y
1. Hold th e camera stea dily until it
beeps whe n taking pho to.
2. Clean the lens with soft d ry cloth.
Get a warning message:
“Captu re device w as not
detect ed” when try ing to open
PC cam.
1. Conflict with another
camera o r video device.
2. The mode of the camera
is not s et to PC cam
mode properly.
1. Rem ove any ot her cam era d rive r
completely fr om your system.
Some times y ou ha ve to r e-ins tall y our
2. Set the camera to PC ca m mode,
refer to section 6.3.2 (syst em setting,
USB connection).
Cannot preview image in PC
Camera mo de.
“Preview” is not select ed in
option Menu in PC.
Click “preview” in the “opti on” menu to
select it.
War ra n ty !!
If you have quest ions regardi ng the warranty, the length of warranty and t he working met hod of it, you ca n
find the infor mation on our site
www .lenco.eu or you can directly contact the place where you
purc has ed yo ur pr od uct.
If at any time in the future you shoul d need to dispose of this product please note
that:Waste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please
recycle where facilities exi st. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for rec ycling
advi ce.( Wa ste E lect ric al an d El ectro ni c Equ ipm ent D ire cti ve)
For informat ion and support, www.lenco.eu