WEEE information for Hungary
Lenovo, as a producer, bears the cost incurred in connection with the fulfillment of
Lenovo’s obligations under Hungary Law No. 197/2014 (VIII.1.) subsections (1)-(5) of
section 12.
Japanese recycling statement
Collecting and recycling a disused Lenovo computer or
If you are a company employee and need to dispose of a Lenovo computer or monitor
that is the property of the company, you must do so in accordance with the Law for
Promotion of Effective Utilization of Resources. Computers and monitors are categorized
as industrial waste and should be properly disposed of by an industrial waste disposal
contractor certified by a local government. Lenovo Japan provides a PC Collecting and
Recycling Services for the collection, reuse, and recycling of disused computers and
monitors in accordance with the Law for Promotion of Effective Utilization of Resources.
For details, go to:
Pursuant to the Law for Promotion of Effective Utilization of Resources, the collecting
and recycling of home-used computers and monitors by the manufacturer was begun
on October 1, 2003. This service is provided free of charge for home-used computers
sold after October 1, 2003. For details, go to:
Disposing of a Lenovo computer component
Some Lenovo computer products sold in Japan may have components that contain
heavy metals or other environmentally damaging substances. To properly dispose
of disused components, such as printed circuit boards or drives, use the methods
described above for collecting and recycling a disused computer or monitor.
Disposing of disused lithium batteries from Lenovo
A coin-cell lithium battery is installed on the system board of your Lenovo computer
to provide power to the computer clock while the computer is off or disconnected
from the main power source. If you want to replace it with a new one, contact your
place of purchase or ask for a repair service provided by Lenovo. If you have replaced
it by yourself and want to dispose of the disused lithium battery, insulate it with vinyl