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TThhee vviiddeeoo ffuunnccttiioonn ddooeess nnoott wwoorrkk..
NNoo ppiiccttuurree &&
NNoo ssoouunndd
NNoo oorr ppoooorr ccoolloorr
oorr ppoooorr ppiiccttuurree
PPoooorr rreecceeppttiioonn oonn
ssoommee cchhaannnneellss
LLiinneess oorr ssttrreeaakkss iinn
bbaarrss oorr ppiiccttuurree sshhaakkiinngg
PPiiccttuurree aappppeeaarrss ssllooww--
llyy aafftteerr sswwiittcchhiinngg oonn
Check whether the product is turned on.
Try another channel. The problem may be with the broadcast.
Is the power cord inserted into wall power outlet?
Check your antenna direction and/or location.
Test the wall power outlet, plug another product’s power cord into the outlet where the
product’s power cord was plugged in.
This is normal, the image is muted during the product startup process. Please contact
your service center, if the picture has not appeared after five minutes.
Adjust Color in menu option.
Keep a sufficient distance between the product and the VCR.
Try another channel. The problem may be with the broadcast.
Are the video cables installed properly?
Activate any function to restore the brightness of the picture.
Check for local interference such as an electrical appliance or power tool.
Station or cable product experiencing problems, tune to another station.
Station signal is weak, reorient antenna to receive weaker station.
Check for sources of possible interference.
Check antenna (Change the direction of the antenna).
TThhee ooppeerraattiioonn ddooeess nnoott wwoorrkk nnoorrmmaallllyy..
TThhee rreemmoottee ccoonnttrrooll
ddooeessnntt wwoorrkk
PPoowweerr iiss ssuuddddeennllyy
ttuurrnneedd ooffff
Check to see if there is any object between the product and the remote control
causing obstruction.
Are batteries installed with correct polarity (+ to +, - to -)?
Correct remote operating mode set: TV, VCR etc.?
Install new batteries.
Is the sleep timer set?
Check the power control settings. Power interrupted
No broadcast on station tuned with Auto off activated.

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