Product Specifications
Supported file types and codec
Microsoft Office document doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt (read-only), .pptx (read-only).
Media .3gp, .avi, .mov, .mp4, .m4v, .m4a, .mp3, .mkv, .ogv, .ogm, .ogg, .oga, .webm, .wav
Image .bmp, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .webp
Compressed files .zip, .rar, .tar, .tar.gz (.tgz), .tar.bz2 (.tbz2)
Other .txt (read-only), .pdf
Video Codec ogv, webm, mp4, mov, avi, 3gp
Audio Codec MP3, AAC, AMR-NB
Supported external storage devices
This product can use the external storages (USB memory, HDD, etc.) of the following file systems:
- Ext2, Ext3, Ext4, FAT, HFS+(read-only on journaled HFS+), ISO9660 (read-only), NTFS, UDF(read-only)
y The supported le type, codec, and le system may dier depending upon the Chrome OS version.
y USB port supports 0.5A electric current. If you need more electric current in case of HDD, use the separate
power adaptor.
System Limitations Guide
y Copyright protected contents or those with limited access authority cannot be played back using this device.
y This device does not support the USB printer and ODD (CD/DVD ROM drive).
y This device supports the USB memory and hard disks of the following le systems: Ext2, Ext3,
Ext4, FAT, HFS+ (read-only on journaled HFS+), ISO9660 (read-only), NTFS, and UDF (read-only).
The compatibility of other le systems or external devices is not guaranteed.
y If a USB memory or hard disk with insucient free space is inserted, some applications may not work properly
due to the slower system response.
Guide on open source licenses for customers
y The Software included in this product contains copyrighted software that is licensed under the GPL/LGPL.
You may obtain the complete Corresponding Source from website: http://git.chromium.org/gitweb/ and Notice
from website: chrome://credits/
This oer is valid to anyone in receipt of this information.
Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE le.