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LG Recycling Policy (Only EU)
LG Electronics oers a customized e-waste take-back & recycling service that meets local needs and requirements in the countries where e-waste
regulations are in place, and also provides product and packaging take-back & recycling service voluntarily in some countries. LG Electronics
evaluates products’ recyclability at the design step using LG’s recyclability evaluation tool, with the goal of improving recyclability where practicable.
Through these activities, LG seeks to contribute to conserving natural resources and protecting the environment.
For more information about the LG Recycling Policy, please visit our global site at http://www.lg.com/global/sustainability/environment/take-back-
Energy Saving
Energy eciency cuts energy consumption and thus saves money by reducing electricity bills. The following indications allow to reduce power
consumption when the television is not being watched:
t Turning the television o at its mains supply, or un-plugging it, will cut energy use to zero for all televisions, and is recommended when the
television is not being used for a long time, e.g. when on holiday,
t Putting the television into standby mode, will reduce energy consumption, but will still draw some power,
t Reducing the brightness of the screen will reduce energy use.
Isolator (Only Sweden, Norway)
t “Equipment connected to the protective earthing of the building installation through the mains connection or through other equipment with
a connection to protective earthing - and to a cable distribution system using coaxial cable, may in some circumstances create a re hazard.
Connection to a cable distribution system has therefore to be provided through a device providing electrical isolation below a certain frequency
range (galvanic isolator, see EN 60728-11)”
t “Utrustning som är kopplad till skyddsjord via jordat vägguttag och/eller via annan utrustning och samtidigt är kopplad till kabel-TV nät kan i
vissa fall medföra risk för brand.
För att undvika detta skall vid anslutning av utrustningen till kabel-TV nät galvanisk isolator nnas mellan utrustningen och kabel-TV nätet.
t “Utstyr som er koplet til beskyttelsesjord via nettplugg og/eller via annet jordtilkoplet utstyr - og er tilkoplet et kabel-TV nett, kan forårsake
For å unngå dette skal det ved tilkopling av utstyret til kabel-TV nettet installeres en galvanisk isolator mellom utstyret og kabel-TV nettet.

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