3D objects 213
accepting or rejecting changes 107
accessibility options 48
adding macros from other sources 336
experimental features 49
macro recording 49
Advanced options 49
advantages of LibreOffice 19
antialiasing screen font 39
appearance options 47
Apply Style list 62
arrow keys
navigating within spreadsheets 120
Arrows 205
Asian language support 56
AutoCorrect 58, 94
AutoFormat, Calc 141
AutoLayout 166
automatic saving 30
AutoRecovery 30, 51
AutoUpdate styles 64
background images from Gallery 308
Basic 336
bitmaps 213
BitTorrent 20
book preview 292
booklet printing 290
bookmarks 108
brackets (Math) 267
brochure printing 290
Bullets and Numbering dialog 170
AutoFormat 141
editing data 137
hiding and showing data 143
printing 146
sorting records 144
themes 142
viewing 129
Calc macros 346
description 112, 114
range 123
cells, in Calc
navigating 119
selecting 123
change tracking 106
changes, undo and redo 32
check for updates automatically 49
chemical formulas 281
clipboard 40
closing a document 33
closing LibreOffice 33
CMYK 188
Color bar 187
color options 42
color palette 188
color scheme 47
Color Picker 43
deleting 125
inserting 125
columns, in Calc
freezing 129
selecting 124
comma separated values (CSV) 116
comments, adding 104
complex text layout (CTL) 19, 56
components of 18
conditional formatting 142
Context menu 204
context menus 26
Controlling dialogs 370
conversion 213
copy and paste 89
copying object from Gallery 307
create document from template 67
creating a document 27
inserting references 108
overview 108
CSV file
open 116
CSV files 116
Ctrl-click required to follow hyperlinks 46
custom dictionary 56
Customize dialog 350
Enter key 122
keyboard shortcuts 362
menus 356
toolbars 359
dashes 92
data editing, Calc
changing data in a cell 138
removing data from a cell 137
replacing all data in a cell 138
data entry, Calc
Index | 383