H - 8
T - 8
N - 1 0
Adult a ssemb ly required / Le mont age devra être ef fectué pa r un adulte
Debe s er armado po r un adulto
VE - 1 4
A - 2
F - 9
Ages: 1 - 4 y rs
Please save sales r eceipt for proof of purchase .
• Keep th ese ins tru cti ons fo r futur e refe rence.
• Prior to a ssemb ly, this pack age cont ains small p ar ts:
hardw are whi ch is a chok ing ha za rd and may cont ain
sharp e dge s and shar p poi nts. Ke ep away fr om child ren
until ass embl ed.
• T o prevent s erio us injur y, children mu st not us e the
equi pment u ntil pro perl y inst alle d.
• Falls onto hard sur f aces can r esult in h ead or ot her se riou s
injuri es. N ever place o n concre te, aspha lt, wo od, p acked
ear th, gr ass or oth er hard s ur faces . Carp et over h ard o ors
may not pr event injur y. Always use p rotec ti ve sur faci ng
on the g round u nder a nd surro undin g the pl ayground
equi pment a ccording to t he encl ose d “Consume r
Info rmatio n She et for Playg round Su rf acin g Materi als.”
Max imum f all hei ght prote c tion up to 3 f eet (.91 m)
• Adult sup er vis ion re quire d. Do n ot leave chil dren
• This p rodu ct is i ntende d for us e by child ren age s
1 - 4 years .
• Max imum we ight pe r child: 45 lbs . (20.4 kg). Limit 2
child ren on cli mber. Limit 1 chi ld on sw ing.
• Shoe s must b e worn at a ll times .
• This p rodu ct is i ntende d for o utdoo r dom estic f amil y
use on ly.
• Protec t you r eyes. Al ways wear s afet y gl asses wh en usin g
a hamme r .
• Obs er ving t he fol lowing s tate ment s and war nings re duces
the like lihoo d of se rious o r fat al injur y.
• Place this p rodu ct o n level gro und an d at leas t 6' ( 2 m)
away fro m any obje ct . Obje c ts to be avoi ded i nclud e, but
are not l imited to, f ences , buildi ngs, over head b ranch es,
laund r y lines o r ele ctr ical w ires.
• It is re commen ded t hat the or ient ation of t he asse mble d
pro duc t be suc h that dire ct su nlight is m inimize d on
sur fa ces intend ed fo r stan ding or s it ting.
• Inst ruc t child ren on p rope r use of th is prod uc t, onl y af ter
prop erl y place d, and n ot in a mann er othe r than inten ded .
• Do no t allow chil dren to cli mb on pro duc t wh en pro duc t is
• Inst ruc t child ren not to at t ach items to t he pro duc t that
are not s peci cal ly desi gned f or use w ith the p rodu ct
such as , but not l imited to, ju mp rop es, clo thesli nes,
pet l eashe s, cab les an d chains, a s they may ca use a
strangulation haz ard.
• Inst ruc t child ren to rem ove their b ike or oth er spo r ts
helm et be fore p layin g on this pr oduc t.
• Dress c hildre n appro priate ly: d o not all ow childr en to
wear lo ose - tt ing clot hing inc luding p onc hos, sc ar ves
and gar ment s with d rawst rings . Well- tt ing sho es mus t be
worn at a ll times .
W ARNING: F ailure to p er fo rm pe riod ic che ck s could c ause
this pro duc t to over tur n or cau se a fall .
The f ollow ing che ck s shou ld be p er for me d at the be ginnin g
and en d of each s eason a nd t wice mo nthly du ring th e usag e
• Reins tal l any plast ic par t s, such as s wing s eats o r
any othe r items that we re rem oved for t he cold
sea son.
• Tig hten all har dware.
• Lubri cate all m etal lic movi ng par t s per ma nufa ctu rer's
• Chec k all movi ng par t s includ ing sw ing sea ts, ro pes ,
cab les, an d chains f or wear, rust, o r other d eter iorat ion.
Rep lace in accor dance wi th the manu fac tur er’s
• Chec k met al par t s for rus t. I f found , san d and rep aint
using a n onlea d- base d paint m ee ting the r equir ement s
of 1 6 CFR 1 303.
• Rake and c heck d epth of l oos e ll prote ct ive sur fa cing
materi als to preve nt compac ti on and to ma intain
appr opria te depth . Rep lace as ne cessar y.
• T ake this pro duc t indo or s or do not u se whe n
temp eratur es fall b elow 0 ° F /- 18°C .
• Disa ssemb le and d ispos e of equi pment i n such a mann er
that no ha za rdous co nditi ons such as , but no t limite d to,
small p ar ts an d sharp e dges e xis t at the tim e equip ment is
Un it ed St ate s:
ww w.littletikes.com
1-80 0 -32 1 - 0 1 83 Mo nday - Friday
The L it tle T ikes Compa ny
2 1 80 B arlow R oad
Hudson, OH 44236
littletikes.cares@littletikescare .com
United Kingdom:
ww w.littletikes.co.uk
Lit tle T ikes
MGA Ente rt ainme nt (UK ) Ltd
50 Presley Way
Milto n Keyne s MK8 OE S
Buck s , UK
Info.Little Tikes@mgae .com
Printed in U .S.A. D.R.©2010 The Little Tikes Company
© The Little Tikes Compan y, an MGA Entertainment compan y. LIT TLE TIKES® is a
trademark of Little Tikes in the U .S. and other countries. All logos, names, characters,
likenesses, images, slogans, and packaging appearance are the property of Little
Tikes. Please keep this address and pack aging for reference since it contains
important information. Contents, including specica tions and colors, may vary from
photos depicted on package. I nstructions included. Please remove all packaging
including tags, ties & tacking stitches before giving this product to a child .
The Little Tikes Company makes fun, high quality toys. We warrant to the original
purchaser that this product is free of defects in materials or workmanship for one year
* from the dat e of purchase (dated sales receipt is requir ed for proof of purchase). At
the sole election of The Little Tikes Company , the only remedies available under this
warranty will be either replacement of the defective part of the product or refund
the purchase price of the product. This warranty is valid only if the product has been
assembled and maintained per the instructions. This warranty does not cover abuse ,
accident, cosmetic issues such as fading or scratches fr om normal wear , or an y other
cause not arising from def ects in material and workmanship. *The warranty period is
three (3) months for day care or commercial purchasers.
U.S.A. and Canada: F or warranty service or replacement part information, please
visit our websit e a t www .littletikes.com, call 1-800-321-0183 or write to: Consumer
Service, The Little Tikes Company, 2180 Barlow Road, Hudson OH 44236, U.S.A. Some
replacement parts may be available for purchase after warranty expires—contac t us
for details.
Outside U.S.A. and Canada: Contact place of purchase for warranty ser vice. This
warranty gives you specic legal rights, and you may also have other rights, which
vary from country/state to country/state. Some countries/states do not allow
the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequen tial damages, so the above
limitation or exclusion may not apply to y ou.
C H åT E A U
Age : 1 à 4 ans
Prière de conserver le reçu comme pr euve d’achat.
• Conse rve r ces inst ruc tion s à titre de r éfér ence.
• Avant l’assemb lage du p rodui t, ce pa quet cont ient de s
pet ites pi èces de ma térie l qui pe uvent pr ésente r un risqu e
d’étouem ent, e t des b ords et d es arro ndis tr anchant s.
T enir ho rs de p or tée d es enfa nts avant l ’assembla ge
• Pour préve nir des b lessur es graves , les enf ants n e doive nt
pas ut iliser l ’ équ ipem ent avant so n inst allati on compl ète.
• Une chu te sur une sur f ace dure p eut c auser u n
traum atisme cr ânien o u d’autres bl essure s graves. N e
place z jamais ce p rodui t sur du bé ton, de l ’asphalte, du
bois , de la ter re bat tue, d e l’h erb e ou d’autres sur f aces
dures . Un tap is sur un pla nche r dur po urrai t ne pas su re
à emp êche r les bl essures . Utilis ez touj ours u n revêtem ent
de pro tec tion su r le sol , sous e t autour d e l’équipem ent du
terr ain de je ux , confor mém ent à la « Fich e d’inf orma tions
au conso mmateur su r les maté riaux d e sur face d es aires
de j eu x » jo inte . Haute ur max imale d e prote cti on contr e les
chutes re quis e jusqu’à .91 mètre (3 pi eds).
• La sur ve illance p ar un adu lte est r ecomma ndé e. Ne laiss er
jamais u n enfa nt sans sur ve illance.
• Ce prod uit es t desti né à des e nfant s de 1 - 4 ans .
• Poids ma xima l par enf ant : 20,4 kg Uti lisati on limité e à 2
enf ants sur l e por ti que d’esca lade. U tilisati on limi tée à 1
enf ant sur la ba lançoir e.
• Les enf ants d oivent p or ter d es chaussu res.
• Ce prod uit n’est conçu qu e pour u ne util isatio n
dom esti que et f amilial e, à l’ex térie ur.
• Il est r ecomm andé d e se proté ger l es yeux l ors du
mont age en p or ta nt des lun et tes de sé curi té en utilis ant
un marteau.
• L ’obser vati on des r ègle s et des p réca utions su ivante s
diminu e les ris ques d ’ accid ents g raves ou mo r tels.
• Inst alle r cet app areilla ge sur un te rrain n ivelé e t à une
dist ance d ’ au moin s 2 m de tout o bjet . Les obje ts à
évite r compre nnent ma is sans s ’y limiter, les clôt ures, l es
const ruc tion s, les b ranch es hautes , les cor des à ling e ou
les ls é lec tr iques .
• Nous vo us reco mmand ons d’orie nter le pr oduit a ssemb lé
de mani ère à min imiser l ’exposi tion au s olei l des sur f aces
conçu es pou r se tenir d ebo ut ou s’asseo ir .
XIM620256-1R1 - 3/11
www .littletikes.com
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ww w .littletike s. fr
ww w .littletik es. nl
ww w .littletike s. pl
Look f or vi deo o f ass em bly a t
www .littletikes.com/videoinstructions