T ools re quired :
Ou ti ls R eq ui s:
Requer ida s:
Ages: 2 yea rs & up
Please save sales r eceipt for proof of purchase .
• Keep th ese i nstr uc tio ns fo r fut ure re fere nce.
• Prior to a ssem bly, this pack ag e conta ins smal l par t s:
hardw are wh ich is a cho k ing ha za rd and m ay contain
sharp e dg es and s harp p oint s. Ke ep away f rom ch ildre n
until ass emb le d.
• Adult sup er visio n re quire d. D o not le ave childr en
• This p rod uc t is inten de d for o utdo or do mes tic f amil y use
o n l y.
• This p rod uc t is inten de d for us e by chil dren a ges 2 yea rs
and up.
• Use this p rodu c t on a r m, leve l sur f ace and avoi d using
near s wimm ing p oo ls, on o r nea r step s, hills o r incl ines .
• Do no t allow ch ildre n to sit, s ta nd pl ay or climb o n the
top of sur face. Failure to d o so may c ause th e pro duc t to
be come un st able .
• Intend ed f or us e with th e supp lie d access ori es onl y.
• Never l l with a ny thing e xcept cl ean t ap wate r. U se o f
othe r liqui ds may be h armf ul or d amag e the un it. N ever ll
with s and o r dir t .
• Do no t stor e or leave w ater in pr odu c t whe n not in us e.
• Disa ssem ble a nd disp ose o f equ ipme nt in such a m anne r
that no ha z ardo us cond itio ns such as , but n ot limi ted to,
small p ar t s and sha rp e dges e xis t at th e time e quip ment is
United S tates:
ww w.littletikes.com
1-80 0 -32 1-01 83 Mon day - Friday
Th e Lit tle T ikes Co mpany
2 180 Barlow R oa d
Hudson, OH 44236
E-mail: littletikes.cares@littletikescare .com
United Kingdom:
ww w.littletikes.co.uk
Lit tl e Tike s
MGA Ente r tai nment (U K ) Ltd
Adult as semb ly required /
Le montage devra être
ef f ec t ué pa r un a du lte /
De be s er a rm ado p or u n adu lto
Look f or v ide o of a ss em bl y at
www .littletikes.com/videoinstructions
1 2
Insert drain plug (M) into opening.
Insérez le bouchon de vidange (M) dans l'ouverture.
Inser te el tapón de desagüe (M) en la abertura.
/4" S cr ew
Vis d e 1.9 cm (
/4 p o)
Tornil lo de 1.9 cm (
Q x8
G. Funn el S pi nne r
Dis pos it if de r ot ati on
de l'entonnoir
Pie za g ira tor ia d el em bud o
H. Table S pi nn er
Dis pos it if de r ot ati on
de la t abl e
Dis co gi rat or io de l a mes a
I. Funn el / Entonnoir /
J. F unnel Support
Suppor t d' entonnoir
Soporte del e mbudo
K. Fer r is W he el
Sup por t de gr and e ro ue
Sop or t e de la r ue da
de la f or t una
L. Fer ri s Wh ee l Cup s (4)
Coup ell es de g ra nde r ou e (4 )
Tazas de l a ru eda d e
la fo r tu na (4)
M. Dr ain P lu g
Bou ch on de v ida nge
Tapón de de s agü e
N. Fer r is W hee l Cr an k
Mani vel le de g ran de r oue
Mani ja de l a rue da d e
la fo r tu na
O. Cup / Cou pe lle / Taza
P . S qu ir t er s (5)
Gic leur s (5)
Anim ali tos q ue ar ro jan
agua (5)
drain plug
bouchon de vidange
tap ón d e des ag üe
Push drain plug through
Enfon cez le b ou chon d e
vida nge d ans l'ouve r ture.
Empuj e el ta pón d e des agü e
por l a abe r tur a.
W ork the plug around the opening pulling only the plug
edge through.
Passe z le bo ucho n sur le p ou r tour d e l'ouver t ure en n e tira nt
que le b ord d u bou cho n au traver s de cel le - ci.
Continú e tiran do de l tap ón h ast a que só lo p ase e l bor de p or
la aber tura.
Plu g ed ge sh ou ld b e
completely pulled through.
Le bo rd du bo uch on doi t
pass er en e ntier d ans
El bor de de l tap ón d ebe h abe r
pas ado p or com ple to.
A. Tabl e top
Plate au de l a tab le
B. Water S pir al h al f
Moi tié d e spi ra le à eau
Mit ad de e sp ira l de ag ua
C. Wa ter S pi ra l ha lf w it h
Moi tié d e spi ra le à eau av ec
Mit ad d e esp ir al de a gua co n
D. T ab le Le gs (3)
Pie ds de l a tab le ( 3)
Pat as de la m es a (3)
E. S pi ra l Top
Haut d e la sp ira le
Par te s up eri or d e la esp ir al
F . Fer ri s Wh ee l
Gra nde r ou e
Rue da de l a for tun a
Par t s Lis t / Lis te des Pieces / Lista de Par tes
Clo se dr ain p lu g cove r .
Ferm ez le c apu chon d u bou cho n de vi dang e.
Cier re la t apa d el ta pón d e des agü e.
Flip w ate r ta bl e over. Inse r t ta bl e le gs (D) x 3, as s how n. Sn ap i nto p la ce.
Reto urn ez la t abl e aquati que. I nsér ez le s pie ds de t abl e (D) x3, comm e indi qué.
Embo îte z-l es en p lace.
Dé vu elt a la me sa d e agua . Inse r te las 3 pa tas de l a mes a (D) tal y com o se
mues tra . Encá jela s en su lug ar.
Sli de w ate r sp ira l hal f w it h op en ing (C) u p un de r sp ira l
top (E).
Faites coulisse r la mo itié d e spir ale à ea u avec ouve r ture (C )
vers l e haut s ous le h aut de la s pira le (E).
Desl ice la mi ta d de esp ira l de ag ua con ab er t ura (C ) deb ajo d e
la par te s upe rio r de la esp ira l (E).
Be su re i nd ent o n sp ira l hal f ts t o not ch o n
spi ral t op a s sh own .
Assu rez- vous que l e ren fonce ment d e la mo itié
de spir ale s'adap te sur le c ran ca rré si tué sur l e
haut de l a spir ale, com me in diqu é.
As egúr ese qu e la ent alla dura e n la mit ad de l a
espir al en caje e n la mue sca c uadr ada d e la par t e
supe rio r de la es pira l tal y co mo se mu est ra.
Whi le h ol din g sp ira l ha lf a nd sp ir al to p, t spi ra l hal f (B)
as shown.
T out en te nant la m oiti é de spi ral e et le ha ut de la sp ira le,
adap tez la mo itié d e spir ale (B) comm e ind iqué.
Mie ntras s osti ene l a mit ad y par te supe rio r de la e spira l
enc aje la ot ra mit ad (B) ta l y como se m ues tra .
50 Presle y Way
Mi l to n K e y n e s M K 8 O E S
Buck s , UK
E-mail: Info. Lit t le T ikes@m gae. com
Printed in U .S.A. D.R.©2011 The Little T ikes Company
© The Little Tikes Company , an MGA Entertainment c ompany. LITTLE TIKES® is a
trademark of Little Tikes in the U .S. and other countries. All logos, names, char acters,
likenesses, images , slogans , and packaging appearanc e ar e the property of Little
Tikes. Please keep this address and pack aging for reference since it contains
important information. Contents, including specica tions and colors, may vary from
photos depicted on pack age. Instructions included. Please remove all packaging
including tags, ties & tacking stitches before giving this product to a child .
The Little Tikes Company makes fun, high qualit y toys. We warrant to the original
purchaser that this product is fr ee of defects in materials or workmanship for one year
* from the dat e of purchase (dated sales r eceipt is required f or proof of purchase). A t
the sole election of The Little Tikes Company , the only remedies available under this
warranty will be either replacement of the defective par t of the product or refund
the purchase price of the product. This warranty is valid only if the product has been
assembled and maintained per the instructions. This warran ty does not cover abuse,
accident, cosmetic issues such as fading or scratches from normal wear , or any other
cause not arising from defects in material and workmanship. *The warranty period is
three (3) months for day care or commercial purchasers.
U.S.A and Canada: F or warranty ser vice or replacement part information, please
visit our website at ww w.littletikes .com, call 1-800-321-0183 or write to: Consumer
Service, The Little Tikes Company , 2180 Barlow Road, Hudson, OH 44236, U.S.A. Some
replacement parts may be available for purchase after warranty expires—contact us
for details.
Outside U.S.A and Canada: C ontact place of purchase for warranty ser vice. This
warranty gives you specic legal rights, and you may also have other rights, which
vary from country/state to country/state. Some countries/states do not allow
the ex clusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above
limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. visi t our w ebsit e at www .li ttletik es.co m,
call 1-800-321-0183 or write to: Consumer Service, The Little Tikes Company , 2180
Barlow R oad, Hudson OH 44236, U.S.A. Some replacement par ts may be available for
purchase after warranty expires—contact us for details.
Outside U.S.A. and Canada: Contact place of purchase f or warranty ser vice. This
warranty gives you specic legal rights, and you may also have other rights, which
vary from country/state to country/state. Some countries/states do not allow
the ex clusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above
limitation or exclusion may not apply to y ou.
www .littletikes.com
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