Art 40-60
User guide
24p motion pictur e display: Mo vies r eleased on Blu-r ay Dis c sup-
port the 24p motion pictur e display . The B lu-r ay pla y er tr ansf ers the
original film format t o the t elevision with 2 4 fr ames per s econd. The
DMM (DigitalMo vieMode ) set in the f act ory calculat es and ins erts
additional intermediat e pictur es, which suppr es s film jerking typic al
for the cinema, ther eby pr o viding for a smooth motion sequenc e .
Accur ate R ecor ding: See A utomatic time control.
Administr ator: P ers on who administ ers the net work, i. e . tak es car e of
set ting up and maintaining all component s belonging to the net work.
Activ e antenna: An ant enna with its own po wer supply or amplific ation
which can impr ove the r eception in ar eas with a poor co ver age .
ARC: Abbr eviation for Audio R eturn Channel.
Audio R eturn Channel: The audio r eturn channel which was intr oduced
with the HDMI Standar d 1.4 is used when an audio sy st em with audio
(pr e ) amplifier , e .g. Loe we MediaV ision 3D , is connect ed to a TV s et via
HDMI. The digital audio signal o f the TV set ( e.g. the s ound of the cur-
r ent TV pr ogram ) can be tr ansferr ed to the audio amplifier via the audio
r eturn channel o f the HDMI cable . T hus the same cable which is normally
r esponsible f or tr ansf erring imag e data fr om a connected media pla yer t o
the TV set tr ansfers the audio dat a in the opposit e dir ection. In this w ay , the
audio r eturn channel mak es the cinch cable, which has pr eviously been
r equir ed in addition to the HDMI cable , r edundant.
Automatic time contr ol: Also called A ccurate R ecording. Similar to
VPS f or analogue stations the aut omatic time contr ol monitor s the start
and end times of pr ogr ammes fr om DVB sta tions. If these time s deviat e
fr om the data pr ogrammed in the timer dat a, the running time of the
r ecor ding is adapted aut omatically . T he automatic time c ontr ol is not
supported b y all D VB stations .
A V sock et: Sock et f or audio and video signals.
A V sour ces: Audio /Video sour ce .
A VI: Abbr eviation for Audio V ideo Int erleav e, a video c ontainer f ile for-
mat developed b y Micr osoft. A single A VI video file can c ontain se ver al
audio, video and t e xt data s tr eams ( thus the name cont ainer format ).
A VS: Audio/ video socke ts on the side of the TV s et ( cinch and mini-
Band: Name f or a tr ansmission r ange .
Blu-ray Dis c: The f ollow-up f ormat of DVD . The cont ents of about
five D VDs fit ont o one Blu-r a y Disc ( abbreviat ed BD ). Ther efor e, the
Blu-r ay disc pr ovide s enough spac e for high-r esolution imag es and
multi-channel sound f ormats.
BMP: Abbr eviation f or Bitmap , a grid gr aphics format de signed for
Micr os oft Windo ws and OS / 2 that is wide spr ead and ther efor e sup-
ported b y almost ev ery popular gr aphics so ftw ar e packag e without
any pr oblems.
C A Module: T he Conditional Acces s module contains the cod-
ing sy st em and comp ar es the tr ansmitted c ode with the one on the
Smart Card. If the y match, the appr opriate st ations or pr ogr ammes
ar e decoded.
CEC: Abbr eviation for Consumer E lectr onics Contr ol. CEC pr ovides uni-
ver sal component c ontr ol functions f or entertainment electr onics devices
( e .g. S yst em st andby , One T ouch Play ). CEC is r eferr ed to by L oew e as
Digital Link HD.
Channel (WLAN): Device s that w ant to c ommunica te with each o ther
hav e to us e the same WiF i channel. In Eur ope the WiFi fr equency band
is curr ently divided int o 13 channels.
Cinch cable: Cable for tr ansmitting sound or pictur es.
CI slot: See Common Interfac e.
Client: Also called ne tw ork client, describe s an end devic e such as
your TV s et that is connect ed t o the netw ork and ge ts data fr om a
(media ) serv er to mak e it accessible t o the user .
Common Interf ace: The Common Int erfac e ( CI slot) is a s tandar d-
ised int erfac e . By inserting suitable dec oding modules (C A modules)
and a Smart Card c oded digital pr ogramme s can be used.
Common Interf ace Plus: CI Plus is an adv anc ement of the Common
Interface s tandar d. CI P lus slots ar e in principle downwar d compatible
to the pr evious CI standar d, i.e. C A modules and Smart Car ds ac cor d-
ing to the p ast CI standar d can continue t o be used in CI P lus slots ,
as far as the pr ogr amme pr ovider permit s this. Additionally , e xtended
r egulations apply how ev er to CI P lus.
Component: See Component connection.
Component connection: Also r eferr ed to as Component. Connec-
tion wher e the video signal is tr ansferr ed via three sep ar at e ( Cinch)
connections. It c omprise s the brightness signal Y as w ell as the colour
diff er enc e signals Pb (blue component ) and Pr (r ed c omponent).
Conditional A ccess module: See C A module.
Decoder: Analogue, coded TV signals ar e passed thr ough a decoder
and made visible again.
DHCP: Abbr eviation f or Dynamic Hos t Configur ation Pr ot ocol. DHCP
allow s automatic as signment of IP addr esses with the aid o f a DHCP
server .
DHCP server: N etw ork servic e which tak es car e of automa tic assign-
ment of IP addr es ses t o clients.
Digital Link HD: Sy stem f or c ontr olling units via the HDMI c onnection
of the L oew e TV set when the y have been set up in a c over ed position.
DMM: Abbr eviation f or Digital Mo vie Mode. Whe ther a studio r ecor d-
ing, live br oadcast, or f eatur e film – the br oadcas t imag es ar e always
display ed optimally . Still imag es ar e r epr oduced in all their sharpne ss
and tr anquillity . By cr eating intermediat e imag es , DMM enables perfect
studio qualit y , even with quick mo vements .
DNC: Abbr eviation f or “Digital Noise Contr ol”. W eak TV signals (ana-
logue ) can g ener ate disruptive pictur e noise. DNC adjus ts the eff ect
of digital nois e r eduction t o the pictur e c ontents .
DNS: Abbr eviation f or Domain Name Sy st em. Readable name s ( e .g.
www .loewe-int .de ) ar e assigned to numeric al IP addre sse s. DNS
server s ar e re sponsible for the r esolution of r eadable addr ess es int o
the corr esponding IP addr ess es.
Dolb y Digital: Digital multi-channel sound. T he digital standar d for
high quality home mo vie sy st ems. The individual channels ar e br oad-
cast s epar ately in this standar d. The thr ee fr ont channels right, left
and centr e, the tw o surr ound channels right and left and the e xternal
subw oof er channels ar e called a 5 .1 signal.
Dolb y Pr o Logic: Analogue multi-channel sound. Con verts a Dolb y-
coded st er eo signal into a surr ound sound. T his usually contains f our
channels (fr ont left, centr e, fr ont right, surr ound channel). A special
subw oof er channel is not gener ated in this method.
Dolb y Pr o Logic II: Analogue multi-channel sound. Dolb y Pr o Logic II
is a further development o f Dolby P ro L ogic. This me thod gener ates
a 6-channel spatial sound fr om a ster eo or Pr o-L ogic signal (fr ont left,
centr e, fr ont right, surround le ft, surr ound right, subwoo fer ).
Dolb y Surround: An analogue surr ound sound sys tem which us es a
matrix coding t o fit four s ound channels into t wo s ound tr acks .
Dolb y Virtual Speaker: The Dolby V irtual Speak er technology
simulate s the surr ound playb ack of a r eal 5.1 channel pla yback with
only tw o speaker s.
DRM: Digital Rights Manag ement. P r oce sse s to c ontr ol cop yright
pr ot ected data. T o be used corr ectly , DRM pr ot ected c ontent s r equir e
not only a DRM capable de vice but als o the posse ssion of a lic ense
issued by the pr ovider (t o be paid for ).
DT S: Digital Theatr e Syst ems; Digital multi-channel audio .