Mad Catz Rock Band 3 MIDI PRO-Adapter XBOX 360 Seite 5
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The Rock Band 3 MIDI PRO-Adapter functions with the Squier by Fender Stratocaster Guitar and Controller, and is also designed to function with most
MIDI-compatible drums and keyboards. The following is a list of devices that were specifically tested:
M-Audio Axiom 25
Roland HD-1
CME Key 49
Yamaha DT Explorer
Behringer UMX-25
Yamaha DD 65
Behringer UMA-25s
Alesis DM5
Akai MPK-25
* References to the above third-party MIDI controllers are for compatibility purposes only AND ARE NOT endorsed by Mad Catz, MTV Networks, or Harmonix Music
Systems; continued compatibility is not guaranteed with any non-Rock Band controller. See for more information on compatibility.
denotes devices tested with the Rock Band 3 MIDI PRO-Adapter.
In order to accommodate a wide variety of electronic drum kits, the MIDI PRO-Adapter features an onboard MIDI Note Map to communicate with the
Rock Band 3 game software. The table below specifies MIDI Transmit Numbers per trigger type, along with the corresponding in-game function. BOLD
numbers are defined by the current MIDI Specification. Subsequent numbers are assignments used by various electronic drum manufacturers.
MIDI NumberTrigger TypeIn-Game Action
38, 31, 34, 37, 39, 40SnareRed Pad
48, 50Hi-tomYellow Pad
45, 47Low-tomBlue Pad
41, 43Floor-tomGreen Pad
22, 26, 42, 46, 54Hi-Hat CymbalYellow Cymbal
51, 53, 56, 59Ride CymbalBlue Cymbal
49, 52, 55, 57Crash CymbalGreen Cymbal
33, 35, 36Kick PedalKick Pedal
Hi-Hat PedalHi-Hat Pedal
CC#4 (Foot
Hi-Hat Pedal
Allows Hi-Hat
pedal to be held
QUESTION: My MIDI instrument will not function in the game; why not?
1. Ensure you have plugged the MIDI PRO-Adapter into the console.
2. Ensure you have selected the correct instrument on the 3-way switch.
3. Check that the MIDI instrument has power/batteries.
4. Confirm that the cables going from the MIDI instrument to the MIDI PRO-Adapter are firmly connected.
5. If sensitivity on the Velocity Wheel is completely reduced, drum strikes may not pass.
QUESTION: How do I activate the Overdrive function with my MIDI instrument?
ANSWER: The MIDI PRO-Adapter has a designated Overdrive button (diagram Part G) for the Squier by Fender Stratocaster Guitar and Controller, and
keyboards only.
Though the Overdrive button does function in Guitar Mode, the user also has the option of tilting the Squier by Fender Stratocaster Guitar and Control-
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