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Before you start
Precautions (cont’d)
1. Re ad Inst ruc tion s - All the saf ety and opera ting
inst ruc tion s should be read befo re the applia nce is
oper ate d.
2. Re tain Instr ucti ons- The safe ty and ope rat ing ins truc tio ns
shou ld be ret aine d for fut ure ref ere nce.
3. He ed Warn ing s - All warni ngs on the appl ianc e and in the
oper ati ng inst ruct ion s shoul d be adhe red to.
4. Fo llow Instr ucti ons - All op erat ing and use inst ruct ion s
shou ld be fol lowe d.
5. Cl eani ng - Unpl ug this produ ct from the wall outlet befor e
clea nin g. Do not use liqui d clean ers or aeroso l clea ners .
Use a dam p cloth for clea ning .
EX CEPT ION: A produc t that is meant for unint erru pted
serv ice and, that for some specif ic rea son, such as the
poss ibi lity of the loss of an autho riza tion code for a CATV
conv ert er, is not inten ded to be un plug ged by the user for
clea nin g or any othe r purp ose, may excl ude the refer ence
to unp lugg ing the appli ance in the clea ning descr ipti on
othe rwi se requ ired in item 5.
6. At tach ment s - Do not use at tach ment s not rec omme nded
by the produc t manuf act urer as they may cause haz ard s.
7. Wa ter and Moist ure- Do not use thi s prod uct nea r water ,
for ex ampl e, near a bath tub, wash bow l, kitc hen si nk, or
laun dry tub, in a wet bas emen t, or nea r a swimmi ng poo l,
and th e like.
8. Ac cess orie s - Do not plac e this produc t on an unst able
cart , stan d, trip od, bracke t, or tab le. The produ ct may
fall , caus ing ser iou s injur y to a child or adult, and
seri ous damage to the appl ianc e. Use only with a cart,
stan d, tri pod, brack et, or tab le rec omme nded by the
manu fac ture r, or sol d with the produ ct. Any mount ing
of the applia nce sho uld follow the
manu fac ture r's ins tru ctio ns and
shou ld use a mountin g acce ssor y
reco mme nded by the manu fact urer . An
appl ian ce and car t comb inat ion sho uld
be mov ed with care. Qu ick sto ps,
exce ssi ve forc e, and uneven surfac es
may ca use the applia nce and cart
comb ina tion to overt urn.
9. Ve ntil atio n - Slots and open ings in the cabi net are
prov ide d for vent ila tion and to ensu re reli able opera tion
of the produc t and to pro tect it from ove rhea ting , and
thes e open ings must not be blocke d or cove red. The
open ing s shoul d neve r be block ed by pla cing the prod uct
on a bed, sofa, rug , or othe r simi lar sur face . This produc t
shou ld not be placed in a built- in ins tall atio n such as a
book cas e or rack unl ess proper venti lati on is pro vide d or
the ma nufa ctur er's instr ucti ons hav e been adhere d to.
10. Power So urce s - This pro duct should be opera ted onl y
from the type of power source indic ated on the mark ing
labe l. If you are not sur e of the typ e of power suppl y
to you r home, consul t your applia nce dealer or local
powe r comp any. For prod ucts intend ed to ope rate from
batt ery power, or other source s, ref er to the ope rat ing
inst ruc tion s.
11. Ground ing or Polari zat ion - This produ ct is equi ppe d with
a pola rize d alter nat ing- curr ent lin e plug (a plug hav ing
one bl ade wid er than the othe r). Th is plug will fit into the
powe r outl et only one way. This is a safe ty feat ure . If
you ar e unabl e to inse rt the plu g full y into the outle t, try
reve rsi ng the plu g. If the plug sho uld sti ll fail to fit, con tac t
your elect rici an to rep lace your obs olet e outle t. Do not
defe at the safety purpo se of the po lari zed plu g.
12. Power Co rd Prot ecti on - Powe r suppl y cord s shoul d
be rou ted so tha t they are not lik ely to be wal ked on or
pinc hed by items pla ced upon or aga inst them, pay ing
part icu lar att enti on to cor ds at plu gs, con veni enc e
rece pta cles , and the point whe re the y exit fro m the
appl ian ce.
13. Outdoo r Ante nna Gro und ing - If an out side antenn a or
cabl e syst em is conn ect ed to the pr oduc t, be sure the
ante nna or cable sys tem is ground ed so as to pro vid e
some prote ctio n agai nst vol tage surge s and buil t-u p stati c
char ges . Artic le 810 of the Natio nal Electr ical Code, ANSI/
NFPA No. 70, pro vide s info rmat ion wi th rega rd to pro per
grou ndi ng of the mas t and sup port ing struct ure, groun ding
of the lead-i n wire to an antenn a disc harg e unit, size of
grou ndi ng cond ucto rs, locati on of ant enna -dis char ge uni t,
conn ect ion to gro und ing ele ctro des, and requ irem ent s for
the gr ound ing ele ctr ode. (Fig. A)
14. Lightn ing - For added pr otec tion for this produc t duri ng a
ligh tni ng stor m, or whe n it is left unatte nded and unus ed
for lo ng peri ods of ti me, unp lug it from the wal l outl et and
disc onn ect the anten na or cabl e syst em. Thi s will preven t
dama ge to the produc t due to lig htn ing and power- lin e
surg es.
15. Power Li nes - An outs ide antenn a syst em shou ld not be
loca ted in the vicin ity of overhe ad pow er line s or othe r
elec tri c light or power circui ts, or where it can fall int o
such power lines or ci rcui ts. Whe n inst alli ng an out side
ante nna system , extr eme car e shoul d be take n to keep
from touch ing suc h powe r lines or circu its as con tac t with
them might be fatal.
16. Overlo adi ng - Do not ove rloa d wall ou tlet s and exte nsi on
cord s as this can resu lt in a risk of fire or ele ctri c shock .
17. Object and Liqu id Entr y - Never push obj ects of any kind
into this pro duct throu gh any ope nin gs as they may touc h
dang ero us volt age po ints or short- out parts tha t coul d
resu lt in a fire or elect ric sho ck. Never spi ll liq uid of any
kind on the prod uct.
18. Ser vici ng - Do not att empt to servi ce thi s produ ct your sel f
as ope ning or removi ng cov ers may expos e you to
dang ero us volt age or other haz ards . Refe r all ser vici ng to
qual ifi ed serv ice pe rson nel.
19. Damage Requi ring Servi ce - Unplu g this produc t from
the wa ll outl et and re fer ser vici ng to qua lifi ed ser vice
pers onn el unde r the fol lowi ng cond iti ons:
a. Wh en the po wer- supp ly cord or plug is da mage d.
b. If liquid has been spille d, or obj ects have fal len int o the
prod uct .
c. I f the pro duct has been ex pose d to rain or water.
d. If the prod uct doe s not ope rate normal ly by fol lowi ng the
oper ati ng inst ruct ion s. Adju st only those contro ls tha t
are co vere d by the ope rati ng inst ruc tion s as an impr oper
adju stm ent of oth er con trol s may res ult in dam age and
will often requir e exte nsiv e work by a qualifi ed tec hnic ian
to res tore the produ ct to its norma l opera tion .
e. If the prod uct has been dro pped or damag ed in any way .
f. When the produc t exhib its a distinc t chan ge in
perf orm ance this ind icat es a need fo r servi ce.
20. Replac eme nt Part s - When rep lace ment parts are
requ ire d, be sure the serv ice tec hni cian has used
repl ace ment parts sp ecif ied by the manuf actu rer or have
the sa me char acte ris tics as the orig inal part. Un auth oriz ed
subs tit utio ns may re sult in fire, el ectr ic shoc k or othe r
haza rds .
21. Safety Check - Upon comp leti on of any servic e or repa irs
to thi s produ ct, ask the serv ice te chni cian to perfo rm
safe ty che cks to det erm ine tha t the pro duct is in prope r
oper ati ng cond itio n.
22. Heat - This produc t shou ld be situ ate d away fro m heat
sour ces such as radi ato rs, hea t regi ster s, stov es, or other
prod uct s (incl udin g ampl ifie rs) tha t prod uce hea t.
(NEC SECTION 810-20)
(NEC SECTION 810-21)
(NEC ART 250, P A R T H)
Before you start