Alarm: Mando Footloose has an alarm function that shows a critical status of the product.
When the product has a problem (may be self-detected)
1. Alarm for the remaining battery capacity
When the product has a problem, a red warning sign will
appear in the top right area as shown in the picture above.
If the warning sign does not disappear after turning the
HMI on / off (more than once), stop using the product and
contact the store.
Riding instructions
Setting the HMI Modes
- When the product is turned on, it is automatically set to ‘Auto’ for transmission setting, ‘Normal’ for riding settings and ‘Soft’ for pedaling settings.
- The ‘Auto’ mode of the transmission setting allows for automatic transmission, and it is automatically set to Auto 2 when turned on and as Auto 1 when going
down a slope.
if under the same rpm (number of pedal rotations)
Slow acceleration
/ low battery use
Fast acceleration
/ high battery use
Pedaling settings
if under the same rpm (number of pedal rotations)
Smooth pedaling
/ low power generation
Heavy pedaling
/ high power generation
Transmission setting 1
(Manual transmission
-> Automatic transmission)
Automatic transmission
‘Select’ button‘Mode’ button
Charge the battery as soon as possible if the screen in the
picture above appears.
Low Battery
Please charge
the battery
Transmission setting 2
(Automatic transmission
-> Manual transmission)
Riding settings
(Riding by pedaling only)
Low speed / high torque
Manual transmission
High speed / low torque
How to ride
Mando Footloose allows two ways of riding.
1. Riding Mando Footloose by pedaling
Start Mando Footloose off by pedaling as if so for general bikes.
Mando Footloose accelerates proportionally to the number of pedal rotations.
2. Riding Mando Footloose by throttling
Start Mando Footloose off by pushing the throttle lever slowly with your
thumb. Mando Footloose accelerates proportionally to the degree of pushing
the throttle lever.
Riding instructions
Ensure that the number of pedal rotations
does not exceed 90 rpm (rotations per min-
ute). Excessive number of rotations may re-
duce the lifetime and cause breakdown of
the product due to overload.
Check the degree of acceleration force by
operating the throttle lever. Injudicious oper-
ation of the throttle may cause an accident.
Do not operate the throttle in situations other
than riding (e.g.when rolling Mando Foot-
loose or standing).
The optimal range of the number of pedal
rotations is 30~60 rpm (charging information
appears on the screen when the number of
pedal rotations is greater than 30 rpm).
The maximum speed should not exceed
the maximum speed regulated in each
country, even when throttle lever is pushed
to its deepest point (when it is accelerating
to its maximum). The maximum speed may
vary with slope of the road, a head wind,
the body weight of a rider and/or charging
Transmission settings
Auto: automatic transmission
Manual: manual transmission
Riding settings (applicable only when
Eco: slow acceleration / low battery use
Normal: average acceleration / average
battery use
Hard: fast acceleration / high battery use
Pedaling settings
Soft: smooth pedaling / low power generation
Medium: normal pedaling / normal power
Hard: heavy pedaling / high power generation
Independent power generation
Power generated from the alternator by pedaling
Current speed
Current riding speed (km/h)
Trip distance Mileage (km)
*Initializing the mileage: Push the ‘Select’ but-
ton for more than 2 seconds.
Remaining amount of battery
Current remaining amount of battery
‘Mode’ button
Use to change between modes
‘Select’ button
Search the menu to select one of the following:
Automatic transmission set 1 -> auto trans-
mission set 2 -> setting Riding mode -> Ped-
aling mode (repeated)
‘Power On/Off’ button
Power On/Off (turning the bike on/off). Push the
button for more than a second to turn it on / off.
Total cumulative mileage
Total cumulative mileage
The function of the automatic transmission may be affected by the body weight of
a rider, road condition, slope of the road and / or wind.
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Art des Missbrauchs:
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Schauen Sie nach, ob die Frage bereits gestellt wurde;
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