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No part of this manual may be reproduced without our prior approval.
Subject to alterations in the interests of technical progress.
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EN 55011
EN 50081
EN 50082
ETS 300220
Version: 01.2004
#65 715
1 - D/GB/F/NL/I 360213 - M - 0.5 - 0503
This product complies with the essential
requirements of the R&TTE directive
The declaration of conformity can be
acquired from the supplier referred
to in the delivery documents.
868,3 MHz and 433,92 MHz
For use in:
Verwenden Sie den Sender ausschließlich zum
Bedienen von Garagentorsteuerungen oder
Funksteuerungen, denen der Sender beiliegt
oder für die der Sender als Ersatz geliert
This transmitter may only be used to operate
garage door operators or radio controls for
the following purposes: It has to be part of
the supply package for the above mentioned
controls or it has to be delivered as replace-