Unplug the unit. Clean entire machine using water and a mild soap or other Matrix approved solution (cleaning agents should be alcohol and ammonia free).DAILY
C3x / C3xe: Unplug the ClimbMill and remove the access panel. Clean chain of old grease and re-apply a lithium-based grease to each chain link.MONTHLY
Check step motion and stability to ensure the ClimbMill does not rock or wobble.QUARTERLY
Check all connecting joint areas for tightness of bolt assemblies.QUARTERLY
Ensure that there is little, or no free play at all joint assemblies once bolts have been tightened. Installation of washer kits may be required if free play does not
come out from tightening bolts.
Unplug the ClimbMill and remove the access panel. Clean sprockets of old grease and re-apply a lithium-based grease to sprocket teeth.QUARTERLY
Unplug the ClimbMill and clean the AUTO STOP SENSORS (located under the bottom step) and IR sensor windows on Control Zone with a cotton swab and rubbing
For 7xe consoles, enter service mode and select ‘test’. Select ‘touch calibration’ and then select ‘start’. Follow the on-screen prompts and touch the screen where
Overall Dimensions (L x W x H)*165 x 85 x 212 cm / 65” x 33.5” x 83.5”
* Ensure a minimum clearance width of 0.6 meters (24”) for access to and passage around MATRIX equipment. Please note, 0.91 meters (36”) is the ADA recommended clearance width for
individuals in wheelchairs. Brake system is speed-independent with adjustable resistance.
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