Following cases signify dead cells.Replace the dead batteries with new ones.Following cases signify dead cells.Replace the dead batteries with new ones.
Receiving sound is not emitted from the unit when signal is transmitted.
Indicator becomes indistinct.
Receiving sound is not emitted from the unit when signal is transmitted.
Indicator becomes indistinct.
Please slide and remove the cover.Please slide and remove the cover.
Exchange the batteries.Exchange the batteries.
Install the cove.Install the cove.
Set it to the present time.Set it to the present time.
Guideline of the life time is printed on the battery.Guideline of the life time is printed on the battery.
The battery life may be shorter than that of the air The battery life may be shorter than that of the air
conditioner depending on the date of manufacture.conditioner depending on the date of manufacture.
However,the battery may be alive even after theHowever,the battery may be alive even after the
nominal life time expired.nominal life time expired.
When an abnormality appears in the display,When an abnormality appears in the display,
push the CLOCK button with a ball point pen,push the CLOCK button with a ball point pen,
Do not use an old battery together with a new one.Do not use an old battery together with a new one.
Remove cells when the remote controller is notRemove cells when the remote controller is not
used for a long period.used for a long period.
The life of a cell made in conformity to JIS or IECThe life of a cell made in conformity to JIS or IEC
Is6to 12months in normal use.If it is used longer Is6to 12months in normal use.If it is used longer
or an unspecified cell is used,a liquid leaks fromor an unspecified cell is used,a liquid leaks from
the cell,cauing the remote cotroller inoperative.the cell,cauing the remote cotroller inoperative.
Attention to
the and
Attention to
the and
Slide the cover
upwardly in the
direction of the
Slide the cover
upwardly in the
direction of the
Note of remote controller handling
A place wlth high temperature such
as near an electric carpet or a stove.
A place unprotected from direct
sunlight or strong lighting.
It will be damaged if fallen.Be careful.
Do not put obstacles between the
remote controller and the unit.
Protect the remote controller from
being splashed with water,etc.
Do not put weights on the remote
Please refer to the following figures to install.
The following figure only shows the assembly relationship of the indoor unit ,outdoor
unit and refrigerant pipes.
The throttle subassembly has been installed in the outdoor unit..
Use two spanners to connect the pipe with indoor/outdoor pipes to avoid the copper pipe cracking.
Please pay attention to the connection orientation when connecting.
Use a vacuum pump, to vacuum from the gas side refrigerant adding mouth of the outdoor
Dont use the refrigerant of the outdoor unit to do the vacuum. (A certain volume of refrigerant
had been added into the outdoor unit in factory.)
Air and moisture remains inside the refrigeration system, may has the following bad effects:
Rise of pressure inside the refrigeration system;
Decrease of cooling (or *heating) effect;
Moisture frozen and blocking the refrigeration system;
Rusting of certain parts of the system
After connecting the indoor and outdoor units , it is necessary to exhaust the air inside the
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