page 27
Installation and assembly Technical service - Rights reserved MCZ GROUP S.p.A. - Reproduction prohibited
3.3.2. Assembly of profiles for inserting the
ceramic and soapstone sides-STAR
Remove, on the upper part, the cast iron top (A).
Take the four profiles (B) to be assembled on the front and rear part of
the stove (two to the right and two to the left). Make sure that the
profile (B) at the bottom enters the in correspondence to the two holes
predisposed on the base for securing purposes, and along the side
enters the blade (B1) predisposed in the stove along its entire height.
Once both profiles are assembled on one side, take the piece (C) with
the four screws (D-E-F-G) and secure it on the upper part of the stove
(F-D) and in correspondence to the element predisposed on the profile
(B2) for screws G-E.
At this point take the ceramics (3 per side) or the soapstone (2 per
side) and insert them on the profile (B) in correspondence to the
element (B3) from above downwards. (fig.7)
You are advised to use small felt pads (two on the
right and two on the left) to be applied at the tips of
the ceramics (inwards) in correspondence to the part
of the tile that comes into contact with the sheet
metal profile (B3).
This prevents the ceramic from coming into contact
with the metallic parts of the structure and
compensates any differences in thickness of the tile.
Repeat the same operation for both sides. Reposition the cast iron top.
Figure 7 - STAR stove sides