In any case, ensure adequate distance to facilitate access during cleaning and extraordinary maintenance. If this is not possible, it must
still be possible to distance the product from adjacent walls/elements.
This operation must be performed by a technician qualied to disconnect the combustion product expulsion ducts and their subsequent
For generators connected to the hydraulic system, a connection must be provided between the system itself and the product so that,
during extraordinary maintenance, carried out by a qualied technician, it is possible to move the generator by at least 50 cm from
adjacent walls without emptying the system (e.g. by using a double shut-o gate or suitable exible connection).
Air inlet
It is mandatory to provide an adequate external air inlet that supplies the combustion air required for the product to work properly. The
ow of air between the outside and the installation room can take place with a free air inlet or by channelling the air directly to the
The free air inlet must:
•be made at oor level
•always be protected with an outer grille and in such a way that it cannot be obstructed by any object
•have a minimum total free area of 80 cm2 (net of the grille)
The presence of other suction devices (e.g.: vmc, electric fan for stale air extraction, kitchen hood, other stoves, etc.), in the same room
could cause negative pressure in the room. In this case, with the exception of sealed installations, one must verify that, with all the
equipment on, no more than 4 Pa of negative pressure is created inside the installation room with respect to the outside. If necessary,
increase the air inlet section.
It is possible to duct the air required for combustion to the outside by connecting the external air inlet directly with the combustion air
inlet which is usually found on the back of the appliance.
The duct must comply with the following dimensions (each 90° bend is equivalent to one linear metre):
3 in the event the combustion air is ducted on unsealed products, still verify that no more than 4 Pa of negative pressure is created inside the installation room with respect to the
outside, otherwise provide for an additional air intake in the room.
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