Male Age low normal high very
(same values high
for male
athletes) 6-15 3.0-13.0 13.1-17.4 17.5-25.6 25.7-50.0
16-30 3.0-13.6 13.7-18.0 18.1-26.4 26.5-50.0
31-60 3.0-14.0 14.1-18.6 18.7-27.0 27.1-50.0
60 3.0-14.4 14.5-19.0 19.1-28.0 28.1-50.0
Body fat value analysis:
In order to analyse your body fat proportion, please compare your value
to the values in the body fat table.
Female Age low normal high
(same values
for female 10-15 < 57 57-67 > 67
athletes) 16-30 < 47 47-57 > 57
31-60 < 42 42-52 > 52
61-80 < 37 37-47 > 47
Male Age low normal high
(same values
for male 10-15 < 58 58-72 > 72
athletes) 16-30 < 53 53-67 > 67
31-60 < 47 47-61 > 61
61-80 < 42 42-56 > 56
Body water value analysis:
In order to analyse your body water value, please compare your value with
the values in the body water table.
The average proportion of muscle mass for women between 15 and 100
years of age is max. 44 % (for sportswomen/female athletes no more than
46 %) and for men 46 % (for sportsmen/male athletes no more than 48 %).
Compare your value with this standard value to analyse your muscle mass.
Female Body weight <45 45-60 >60
(same values
for female average
athletes) bone mass max 3.0 4.2 max 6.5
Male Body weight <60 60-75 >75
(same values
for male average
athletes) bone mass max 4.5 6,0 max 7.5
2 Useful Information
Proportion of bone
in body weight
in kg
Muscle Mass
Body water
proportion range
in %