%DRIFT MODE is only available aer thevehicle
has been broken in.
AActivctivating and deactivating and deactivating DRIFT MODEating DRIFT MODE
RESP®is deactivated (/page 14).
RDrive programIis selected (/page 9).
RThe doors, the hood and the trunk lid/tailgate
are closed.
RThe vehicle is started and the transmission
and the engine are at normal operating tem-
RThe transmission is in manual mode – manual
shiing is activated (/page 11).
Activctivating DRIFT MODEating DRIFT MODE
You can activate DRIFT MODE at a speed of up to
60 mph (99 km/h).
#Pull steering wheel gearshi paddles 1and
2and hold for half a second.
If all activation conditions are fullled, the
instrument display shows the message DRIFT
MODE Confirm: Paddle UP Cancel: Paddle
DOWN and thewarning lamp âashes.
To cancel:o cancel: pull steering wheel gearshi paddle
The instrument display shows the message
DRIFT MODE Canceled and thewarning lamp
âgoes out.
#TTooconrconrm:m: pull steering wheel gearshi pad-
dle 2.
The instrument display shows the message
DRIFT MODE Active and thewarning lamp
âlights up.
DeactivDeactivating DRIFT MODEating DRIFT MODE
#Pull steering wheel gearshi paddles 1and
2and hold for half a second.
The message DRIFT MODE Active and the
warning lamp âgo out.
DRIFT MODE is automatically deactivated in the
following situations:
RESP®is activated.
RManual shiing is deactivated – thegearbox is
in position h.
RThe drive programIis switched o.
RThe vehicle is switched o.
%Aer driing and before continuing the jour-
ney, check the wheels and tires for damage.
In particular, check the tire tread depth and
tire contact surface overthe entire width of
the tires (see thevehicle Operator's Manual).
Driving and parking 1717