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Alwaysobserve the child restraint system man-
ufacturer's installationand operating instruc-
Forward-facingchild restraintsystem
If it is absolutely necessary to installaforward-
facing child restraint system on the front-
passengerseat, always move the front-
passengerseatasfar back as possible. Fully
retract the seatcushion length. The entire base
of the child restraint system must always reston
the seatcushion of the front-passenger seat.
The backrestofthe child restraint system must
lieasflataspossibleagainst the backrestofthe
front-passenger seat. The child restraint system
must not touch the rooforbesubjected to aload
by the headrestraint. Adjust the angle of the
seatbackrestand the headrestraint position
accordingly. Alwaysmakesurethatthe shoul-
derbeltstrapiscorrectlyrouted from the vehi-
cle belt outlettothe shoulderbeltguide on the
child restraint system.The shoulderbeltstrap
must be routed forwards and downwards from
the vehiclebeltoutlet. If necessary,adjustthe
vehiclebeltoutletand the front-passenger seat
Alwaysobserve the child restraint system man-
ufacturer's installationand operating instruc-
Child-proof locks
Important safety notes
If children aretraveling in the vehicle, they
open doors,thusendangering otherpeople
or roadusers
exitthe vehicleand be caught by oncoming
operate vehicleequipment and become
There is ariskofanaccident and injury.
Alwaysactivate the child-proof locks and
override feature if children aretraveling in the
vehicle. Whenleaving the vehicle, always take
the key with youand lock the vehicle. Never
leavechildren unattended in the vehicle.
Override feature for:
the reardoors (Y page 59)
the rearsidewindows (Y page 59)
If youleave children unsupervised in the vehi-
cle,they could set it in motion by,for example:
release the parking brake.
shift the automatic transmission outofthe
parking position P.
start the engine.
In addition, they mayoperate vehicleequip-
ment and become trapped. There is ariskof
an accident and injury.
Whenleaving the vehicle, always take the
SmartKeywithyou and lock the vehicle. Never
leavechildren unsupervised in the vehicle.
If persons, particularly children aresubjected
to prolongedexposure to extreme heator
cold, thereisariskofinjury,possiblyeven
fatal. Never leavechildren unattended in the
If the child restraint system is subjected to
direct sunlight, parts mayget veryhot. Chil-
drenmay burn themselves on theseparts,
particularly on the metalparts of the child
restraint system.There is ariskofinjury.
If youleave the vehicle, taking the child with
you, always ensure thatthe child restraint
system is not exposedtodirect sunlight. Pro-
tect it with ablanket, for example. If the child
restraint system hasbeenexposedtodirect
sunlight, letitcooldownbefore securing the
child in it. Never leavechildren unattended in
the vehicle.
Children in the vehicle

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