Vehicle data for off-road driving
Approach/departure angle
Missing values were not available at time of
going to print.
:: ;;
and depar-
ture angles
when the
vehicle is
loaded and
ready to
When the vehicle is loaded and ready to drive,
it has a full tank, all fluids have been refilled
and the driver is in the vehicle.
For further information about approach/depar-
ture angles, see (Y page 156).
Maximum gradient-climbing capabil-
Note that the vehicle's gradient-climbing capa-
bility depends on the off-road conditions and
the road surface conditions.
GLA 250: the maximum gradient climbing abil-
ity is 40%.
GLA 250 4MATIC: the maximum gradient
climbing ability is 65%.
Missing values for the
Mercedes‑AMG GLA 45 4MATIC were not
available at the time of going to print.
Accelerate carefully and make sure that the
wheels do not spin when driving on steep ter-
If the load on the front axle is reduced when
pulling away on a steep uphill slope, the front
wheels have a tendency to spin. 4ETS recogni-
zes this and brakes the wheels accordingly.
The rear wheel torque is increased, making it
easier to drive off.
For further information about the maximum
gradient climbing ability, see (Y page 156).
Vehicle data for off-road driving
Technical data