Warning/indicator lamp
Possible causes/consequences and MM Solutions
Note themessages on themultifunction display.
Consult aqualified specialistworkshop.
Driving systems
Warning/indicator lamp
Possible causes/consequences and MM Solutions
Warning lampfor distance
warning function
The reddistance warning lamplightsupwhile thevehicle is in motion.
*The distance to thevehicle in front is toosmall forthe speed selected.
If thereisanadditional warning tone, youare approachinganobstacle at toohigh aspeed.
Be prepared to brakeimmediately.
Increase thedistance.
FunctionofActiveBrake Assist (/ page205).
Suspension warning lamp
The yellowAIRMATIC/ActiveBody Controlwarning lampislit.
*Amalfunction has occurredwithAIRMATIC/ActiveBody Control.
Note themessages on themultifunction display.
Displaymessages and warning/indicator lamps