is shown in the Serv.Serv. menuofthe multifunc-
tion display.
Example: current tirepressure display
For information on the message display, refer
to the "Checking the tirepressure electroni-
cally" section (Y page 277).
Important safetynotes
Eachtire, including the spare (if provided),
should be checked at least onceamonth
when cold and inflated to the pressure rec-
ommended by the vehicle manufacturer on
the Tire and LoadingInformation placard on
the driver's door B-pillar or the tirepressure
label on the inside of the fuel filler flap. If
your vehicle has tires of adifferentsize than
the size indicated on the Tire and Loading
Information placard or the tirepressure
label, you should determinethe proper tire
pressure for those tires.
As an added safetyfeature, your vehicle has
been equipped with atirepressure monitor-
ing system (TPMS)that illuminates alow tire
pressure telltale when one or more of your
tires are significantly underinflated. Accord-
ingly, when the low tirepressure telltale illu-
minates, you should stopand checkyour
tires as soon as possible,and inflate themto
the proper pressure. Drivingonasignifi-
cantly underinflated tirecauses the tireto
overheat and can lead to tirefailure. Under-
inflation also reduces fuel efficiencyand tire
tread life, and may affectthe vehicle's han-
dling and stopping ability.
Please notethat the TPMS is not asubsti-
tutefor proper tiremaintenance, and it is
the driver's responsibilitytomaintain cor-
recttirepressure, even if underinflation has
not reached the level to trigger illumination
of the TPMS low tirepressure telltale.
Your vehicle has also been equipped with a
TPMS malfunction indicator to indicate if the
system is not operating properly. The TPMS
malfunction indicator is combined with the
low tirepressure telltale. When the system
detectsamalfunction, the warninglamp will
flash for approximately aminute and then
remain continuously illuminated. This
sequence will be repeated everytimethe
vehicle is started as long as the malfunction
When the malfunction indicator is illumina-
ted, the system may not be able to detect or
signal low tirepressure as intended.TPMS
malfunctions may occur for avarietyofrea-
sons, including the installation of incompati-
ble replacementoralternatetires or wheels
on the vehicle that prevent the TPMS from
functioning properly. Always checkthe
TPMS malfunction telltale after replacing
one or more tires or wheels on your vehicle
to ensure that the replacementoralternate
tires and wheels allow the TPMS to continue
to function properly.
It is the driver's responsibility to set the tire
pressure to that recommended for cold tires
which is suitable for the operating situation
(Y page 271).Notethat the correcttirepres-
sure for the current operating situation must
firstbetaught-in to the tirepressure monitor.
If asubstantial loss of pressure occurs, the
warningthreshold for the warningmessage is
aligned to the taught-in reference values.
Restartthe tirepressure monitor after adjust-
ing the pressure of the cold tires
(Y page 278). The current pressures are
saved as new reference values. As aresult,a
warningmessage will appear if the tirepres-
sure drops significantly.
The tirepressure monitor does not warn you of
an incorrectly set tirepressure. Observe the
notes on the recommended tirepressure
(Y page 271).
The tirepressure monitor is not able to warn
you of asudden loss of pressure, e.g. if the
tireispenetratedbyaforeign object.Inthe
eventofasudden loss of pressure, bringthe
Wheels and tires