Auto flash mode
Modo flash automatico
Funcionamiento automático del flash
Ideally, the subject should be located in the middle third
of the zone between the minimum distance and the ma-
ximum flash range to give the electronic circuit suffi-
cient leeway for light control.
You are using an ISO 100 film and a 50 mm lens. The aper-
ture calculator indicates a choice of three auto working aper-
tures: f/8 - f/4 - f/2.
The camera-to-subject distance is approx. 5 m.
You choose the f/4 “green” auto-working aperture (maxi-
mum flash range given by the aperture calculator: approx.
7.3 m)
Set the aperture selector of the mecablitz to the desired auto
working aperture , i.e. “green”.
Set f/4 on the camera lens.
Caution with zoom lenses! Depending on their design
they can cause a loss of light of as much as one aper-