The WatchBP Ofce Central has been validated against simultaneous recorded intra-arterial blood pressure measurement, which is the gold standard for
validation of central blood pressure measurement, and showed extreme high accuracy
. The WatchBP central has passed the validation protocol of the BHS
for accuracy in blood pressure measurement (A/A) and is equipped with innovative screening tools such as:
• An implemented atrial brillation (Ab) detection system that has proven excellent accuracy
2, 3
and is ofcially recommendation by the National Institute of
Clinical health and Excellence (NICE) in the UK
• Two arm cuffs that allow simultaneous blood pressure measurement of both arms for accurate determination of inter-arm blood pressure differences
5, 6
This mode is highly supported by the latest ESH guidelines (2013) stating that Inter-arm difference in blood pressure is only meaningful when obtained from
simultaneous arm blood pressure measurement
• Ankle-brachial index (ABI) performance that is validated against Doppler for accuracy with positive results and additionally showed that the assessment led
to a signicant time reduction as compared to Doppler
. Finally, the automated calculation of the ABI value guarantees uniformity and prevents errors due to
registration and calculation failures
1. Cheng, H.M., et al., Measurement Accuracy of a Stand-Alone Oscillometric Central Blood Pressure Monitor: A Validation Report for Microlife WatchBP Ofce Central. Am J Hypertens. 2013. 26: 42-50.
2. Stergiou, G.S., et al., Diagnostic accuracy of a home blood pressure monitor to detect atrial brillation. J Hum Hypertens, 2009. 23: 654-8.
3. Wiesel, J., et al., Detection of atrial brillation using a modied microlife blood pressure monitor. Am J Hypertens, 2009. 22: 848-52.
4. NICE, WatchBP Home A for opportunistically detecting atrial brillation during diagnosis and monitoring of hypertension., 2013.
5. Lohmann, F.W., et al., Interarm differences in blood pressure should be determined by measuring both arms simultaneously with an automatic oscillometric device. Blood Press Monit, 2011. 16: 37-42.
6. Stergiou, G.S., et al., Automated device that complies with current guidelines for ofce blood pressure measurement: design and pilot application study of the Microlife WatchBP Ofce device. Blood Press
Monit, 2008. 13: 231-5.
7. Mancia, G., et al., 2013 ESH/ESC Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension: The Task Force for the management of arterial hypertension of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) and of
the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). J of Hypertens. 2013, 31:1281–1357.
8. Kollias, A., et al., Automated determination of the ankle-brachial index using an oscillometric blood pressure monitor: validation vs. Doppler measurement and cardiovascular risk factor prole. Hypertens Res,
2011. 34: 825-30.
9. Verberk, W.J., et al., Automated oscillometric determination of the ankle-brachial index: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Hypertens Res, 2012. 35: 883-91.
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